Vendor Standards Compliance
Many vendors in the MBA /Masters marketplace provide products that allow schools to enter their student and/or aggregate level employment data in order to produce reports. It is to the benefit of our membership to know which of these vendors are using the copyrighted Standards for Reporting Employment Statistics in the correct way in order to ensure the reports are Standards-compliant.
Our Vendor Standards Compliance program allows participating vendors to undergo a thorough review of their technology by a third party firm to ensure that the reports produced are Standards-compliant. Please note that depending on the individual system, there may be manual processes required by schools in order to ensure their reports are complaint with the Standards. It's expected that vendors will inform schools about these processes. Schools are also ultimately responsible for ensuring the integrity of the data that is entered into the system.
For questions about the Vendor Compliance Review process, please contact our Standards Consultant.
Full-time MBA Standards
The following companies are certified for the current version of the Full-time MBA Standards (V.VI).

Specialty Master Standards
The following company is certified for the current version of the Specialty Masters Program Standards (V.VI). 

The following company is in the process of becoming certified for the Specialty Masters Program Standards (V.I):
Part-time MBA Standards
The following company is certified for the current version of the Part-time MBA Program Standards (V.I):

The following companies are in the process of becoming certified for the Part-time MBA Program Standards (V.I):
Look for the CSEA Approved Standards Vendor mark on vendors' products: