Sample Meeting Minutes

Career Services & Employer Alliance
Professional Development Committee Meeting

September 19, 2023, 12 pm EST

Attendees:  John Helmers, Kelly Collins, Sally Bell, Jean Gekler, Heidi Cuthbertson, Shari Lindner Megan Hendricks, Kim Austin 

  1. Webinars Update
    1. Upcoming Schedule
      1. October 4: Power in Leadership/EI in Leadership
        1. John will act as webinar lead
        2. Marketing material has been submitted, Action item: Megan will send out invitation soon
        3. Shari has secured a speaker: Peter Janow from One Solution Consulting.  
        4. October 22 – AACSB data platform
          1. Awaiting confirmation from AACSB
        5. November – Resilience & Grit
          1. Action item: Jean will inquire with Collette about dates
        6. GMAC research - We narrowed it down to the following surveys:
          1. Corporate Recruiters Survey
          2. Prospective Student Survey
          3. Action item: Megan will propose both to GMAC and we will do one or two in Nov/Dec depending on their interest/availability.
          4. Action item: Heidi will take a look at the surveys to see which topics are relevant to our members
  2. Employer Roundtables
    1. Determining upcoming schedule
  3. Other business
    1. None
  4. Next call is Sept 26