Sample Meeting Minutes
Career Services & Employer Alliance
Professional Development Committee Meeting
September 19, 2023, 12 pm EST
Attendees: John Helmers, Kelly Collins, Sally Bell, Jean Gekler, Heidi Cuthbertson, Shari Lindner Megan Hendricks, Kim Austin
- Webinars Update
- Upcoming Schedule
- October 4: Power in Leadership/EI in Leadership
- John will act as webinar lead
- Marketing material has been submitted, Action item: Megan will send out invitation soon
- Shari has secured a speaker: Peter Janow from One Solution Consulting.
- October 22 – AACSB data platform
- Awaiting confirmation from AACSB
- November – Resilience & Grit
- Action item: Jean will inquire with Collette about dates
- GMAC research - We narrowed it down to the following surveys:
- Corporate Recruiters Survey
- Prospective Student Survey
- Action item: Megan will propose both to GMAC and we will do one or two in Nov/Dec depending on their interest/availability.
- Action item: Heidi will take a look at the surveys to see which topics are relevant to our members
- October 4: Power in Leadership/EI in Leadership
- Upcoming Schedule
- Employer Roundtables
- Determining upcoming schedule
- Other business
- None
- Next call is Sept 26