Washington DC Area Regional Forum
Feb. 7

Join your MBA CSEA colleagues for the Washington, DC Area Regional Forum at the newly opened University of Virginia Darden School of Business facilities in Arlington, VA. Enjoy panoramic views of the nation’s capital and surrounding areas while boosting your professional development.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
UVA Darden Sands Family Grounds | 1100 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209
The event will feature Keynote Speaker Evelyn Williams, professor at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, speaking about Creativity Tools. David Remick, Executive Director of the Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council will also provide a brief overview of the DC Metro's Employment Outlook. Tony Lee, Vice President of Editorial for Society of Human Resource Management will also speak about Proven Tactics to Recruit and Retain Great Employees.
Highlights of the forum also include breakout sessions for employer and career services members and networking opportunities with your colleagues.
Attire for the Regional Forum is Business Casual.
Continental breakfast and lunch included.
MBA CSEA Regional Forums provide opportunities for networking and learning in select regions, allowing school career services professionals and employers to meet and connect throughout the year.
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Important deadlines
Sponsor Registration: February 4
Attendee Registration: February 4
Many thanks to our host & event sponsors: