Program Details

Subject to change


MBA CSEA has an application renewal pending for Approved Provider status for HRCI. This conference qualifies for 5 HR credits.
MBA CSEA is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 5 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit
For a list of sessions that qualify for credit, please visit the Registration Desk at the conference.

Monday, June 24 

12 - 5 pm (& Tuesday, June 25, 8 am - 12 pm)
New! MBA CSEA Inaugural Career Services Boot Camp
This pre-conference event is designed for individuals who are relatively new to the MBA career services profession. Conference regisration is not required in order to register for the Boot Camp.
Learn more!

Tuesday, June 25

2 - 4 pm

re-Conference Session for Career Center Leaders/Directors 
(by invitation only - please let us know if your school's Career Center Leader has not received an invitation)
Co-facilitators: Susan Brennan, Assistant Dean, Career Development, MIT Sloan School of Management/John Rooney, Director, Graduate Business Career Services, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dam

We're pleased to once again host the pre-conference session for Directors/Career Center Leaders!

You try to be a Patriot and Boston Strong. But sometimes a Dunkin regulah is just not enough to get you through the day. Thank goodness your colleagues are Shipping up to Boston to share experiences around lead-aship and cult-cha change. It’ll be a wicked awesome pah-ty!  Get together and expand your network with other MBA /Masters Career Center leaders for a pre-conference interactive discussion to compare best practices and create new solutions. It’s time to spill the beans!. Through panel discussions and round robin table networking, we’ll bring innovative approaches to leadership issues including reimagining the graduate student experience, leveraging AI to scale impact (and more transformative conversations), and moving beyond one-time partnerships to true ecosystem integration. Today’s career center is the Tom Brady of quarterbacks bridging enrollment, curriculum and outcomes. So, how do we stay at the top of our game? Let’s start a revolution!

Note: You must register for the Global Conference in order to attend the pre-conference session for Career Center Leaders. 


3  - 5 pm

New Member Orientation: Revolutionize your Membership and be Revere-d by students!
Co-facilitators: Catherine Chassanite, International Career Management Consultant, Audencia; Cheri Hurtubise, Manager, Campus Recruiting, Chewy
Boston's history is some of the oldest in the nation, but this session is for our Newest Members! There are many ways to kick off a great conference - ONE by LANDing yourself a seat at New Member Orientation and TWO by SEA-zing the opportunity to learn about all the benefits of being a member! This jam-packed conference is a marathon (Boston's is the original!), so this session is designed to revolutionize your experience, keep pace throughout the journey, and return home with some great tips and tricks to implement with students. Join other new members in this interactive session to network with peers, learn more about MBA CSEA, and discover the amazing resources and benefits available to you. We're here to welcome you to the City of Champions and guarantee a winning experience!

Wednesday, June 26

9 - 10:15 am
Spill the Beans Sessions
In Beantown (Boston’s nickname), we will have the unique liberty to Spill the Beans instead of holding back! We will kick off the conference programming with these sessions, which allow conference attendees who share similar roles at their university or company to engage in energetic activities – connecting, asking questions, and sharing ideas and information with like-minded colleagues. Due to positive feedback from last year, follow-up sessions will be offered again this year to continue the discussions on Thursday afternoon. We’ll share grandma’s secret ingredients in Spill the Beans Session 1 and spice them up to win Michelin stars in Spill the Beans Session 2. We hope these sessions will create some new recipes for success!
  • Cool Beans
    Audience: Career Center Team Leaders (CCTL)
    Deans, Directors, Associate Directors, Assistant Directors
    Co-facilitators: Phil Han, Director of Recruiting Operations & Career Advisor, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Mitchell Kam, Director, Career and Employer Development, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University                                                                                                                                                  
    Navy, pinto, kidney, mung, soy, green, Lima, black, garbanzo, fava. Don’t forget Boston Baked Beans! These are a few of the many cool beans to choose from for your next feast. Like the wide variety in the bean family, career center team leaders roll out their talents in a myriad of areas. What are best practices for working with international students? How can student engagement and employment opportunities be increased? What changes can be made to improve employer development and enhance relationships? How can technology improve some processes? Are the best metrics being utilized to measure success? Join us for an interactive session to discuss these questions and more.
  • Note: This is different than the Directors/Leaders session, which will be a pre-conference session this year by invitation only.
  • Spicing Up Your Beans: How Can Employer Relations Teams Enhance Recruiting Partnerships
    Audience: Employer Relations Professionals
    Co-facilitators: Kevin Stacia, Corporate Relations Manager, Georgia Institute of Technology; Nina Camfield, Associate Director, Corporate Relations, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington
    Just like there are all varieties of beans, we engage with a diversity of recruiting partners that have differing service preferences. Have the beans on our menu of services and programs become too bland?  What other spices can employer relations professionals add to the pot to more effectively engage with companies interested in recruiting our students?  How does your ER team taste test the effectiveness (flavor) of your recruiting relationships?  This session is designed to share best practices and experiences and generate new recipes to enhance the important partnerships we seek to develop with employers. 
  • Picking the Right Beans: Developing a Talent Pipeline
    Audience: Employers 

    Co-facilitators: Jay Brown, Lead College Recruiting Manager, AT&T; Althea Foxx, Campus Manager, University Relations, Eaton
    This is a closed session for employers only. Just as different beans serve different functions, so do the diverse candidates you seek to serve your organizations. Exclusively created for employers, you will have the space to put your heads together, get to know your employer peers, and discuss hot topics and trends.
  • Magic Beans: Challenges and Best Practices for Operations Professional - Events
    Audience: Operations Professionals

    Co-facilitators: Becca Carnahan, Associate Director, Recruiting Operations, Harvard Business School; Ruxandra TOSUN, Student Liaison Officer, Career Development Centre, INSEAD
    This session is for those who break out their magic beans to make every program and event go off without a hitch. This discussion based session is designed for those in operations-focused roles in Career Services, Employer Relations, or on a Recruiting team. You will have the opportunities to network with other conference attendees while sharing best practices, challenges, and new ideas for improving the operational effectiveness of your team, department, and school. Topics include best practices for engaging events, the changing learning style of students, and collecting actionable employer and student feedback.
  • Baking the Beans: Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Coaching Specialty Masters Students (Coaches working with Specialty Masters Students)
    Audience: Specialty Masters Coaches
    Co-facilitators: Paulina Nozka, Manager, Career Education and Coaching, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University; Marcia Katz, Director of Career Development, Brandeis International Business School
    Cooked up just for coaches working with specialized masters programs, this session is an opportunity to share your experiences, learn from colleagues from across the country and abroad and come up with some great recipes to take back to your team. In small groups, we will have the opportunity to discuss issues most relevant to our work and collaborate to find solutions to your most burning questions.  Possible discussion topics may cover the raise of AI in recruitment, working with international students, generational learning style differences, assessments, networking, and more…ultimately, the choice is yours. So come ready to spill the beans on what's been working for you, what hasn't been working, and create some delicious recipes to support your students in achieving their career goals and build effective relationships with your team and corporate partners.
  • Simmering Beans: Coaching Students in a Changing Global Marketplace
    Audience: MBA Coaches

    Co-facilitators: Jean Gekler, Senior Associate Director, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington; Amit Puri, Associate Director/MBA Career Coach, Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
    Just like simmering beans, coaches working with MBAs must “stir” their students to career success.  In small groups, we will discuss issues most relevant to our work as coaches and collaborate to find solutions to the issues you’ve been stewing on.  Possible discussion topics include innovative approaches to on-campus recruiting, ideas for helping international students differentiate themselves, virtual career programming, how emerging technologies are impacting interviewing and much more!  You will leave this session with new connections and new ideas to engage and motivate you—energizing  you for your return to your school …. less likely to overcook your beans.

11 am  - 12 pm

Keynote Speaker
Laura Vanderkam, Making Time for What Matters/Clarifying our Priorities

Drawing on the themes from her time management books, Laura talks about how to manage the 168 hours we all have each week to get the most out of your professional and personal life. In addition to sharing her top 7 time management tips, Laura will provide some real-life examples of how individuals can tweak their schedules to put her tips into action.

Laura Vanderkam is the author of several time management and productivity books, including Off the Clock, I Know How She Does It, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, and 168 Hours. Her work has appeared in publications including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and Fortune. She is the co-host, with Sarah Hart-Unger, of the podcast Best of Both Worlds. She lives outside Philadelphia with her husband and four children, and blogs at Photo credit: Michael Falco. For more information on this speaker please visit:

1:15 pm - 2:30 pm Breakout Session #1
  • Artificial Intelligence Takes Us to Peak Experiences
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practioners, New Practioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, International, Operations
    Presenters: Christine P. Bolzan, Director, Career Education, Career Development Office, MIT Sloan; Salil Pande, CEO, VMock
    Strategic deployment of artificial intelligence allows career advisors to spend more quality, customized time with students in individual, face-to-face appointments. In this session, we will share specific ways we have carried out this strategy at MIT Sloan. Additionally, we will lead participants in a brief but impactful coaching exercise, an example of the deeper advising work that is AI enabled, through a peak experience exploration that will surface core values.

  • Career Management Tech Team Workshop: Learn What Works, Share Best Practices, and Build Your Own
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, International, Operations, Directors
    Presenters: Katherine Knight, Assistant Director - Career Research Career Services, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Andrea Sánchez, Assistant Director - Career Management, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Teela Williams, Assistant Director, Career Management, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
    Join members of Chicago Booth’s Career Management team as we lead a workshop to discuss the impact of prioritizing an internal tech team.  We will dissect our most recent EdTech projects including designing a pilot and launching a career services “course” via the Canvas learning management system (LMS) with a 97% prematriculation adoption rate. Additionally, we will share how we’ve been able to research, test, and scale different EdTech projects using some free resources (e.g. Slack, Zoom, Google Drive, YouTube) and more, while developing a strategy that works for your own team. Finally, see what projects are on the docket for the future.

  • Design Thinking Your Career
    Audience: All
    Presenter: Marie-Jose Beaudin, Executive Director, Soutar Career Centre, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University; and Mike Ross, Founder, Vocaprep
    Design Thinking can be applied to kick-starting and continuing career development, recruiting activities, and finding one’s place in an organization. Designing requires deep self-analysis, complex real-life experience prototyping, and courageous iteration. In this highly interactive session, we will introduce the concept, walk through a simple design thinking process and apply it to career and intern development questions. Career services employees will leverage design thinking to help students kick-start their careers; employers will apply the concepts to recruitment practices and have a framework to help their new and current employees reach their full potential within the organization.
  • Employer Scorecards for 360 Degree Employer Engagement
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, Operations, Directors

    Presenter: Sally Bell, Senior Associate Director, Industry Relations, University of Oregon; Kristi Lodge, Graduate Career Advisor, University of Oregon
    The University of Oregon Lundquist College of Business has a boutique MBA program with many concentrations and limited pipeline recruiting. Employer relationships are maintained through a vast web of connections serving a diverse set of student career paths. The employer engagement team now harnesses previously siloed relationship data from across the college to focus on a more comprehensive relationship development by using 360-degree employer scorecards.  The college is on target to realize stronger student outcomes, more engaged alums and employers and more actionable data. Attendees will discuss the nuanced employer relations strategy and metrics relevant to similar MBA programs.
  • Finding Meaning in Work: 5 Moves to Make Your Career Matter
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employers
    Presenters: Jennifer Murphy, Assistant Dean of Career Management & Student Success, Ohio University - College of Business
    There is a lot of buzz around the desire for purpose in the workplace. The desire for meaning is intergenerational and critical for employees to remain engaged. How do you achieve purposeful, productive and meaningful work? By exploring talents and discovering moments that matter: Show Up (Engagement), Change the Lens (Perspective), Suspend Self-Interest (Selflessness), Own it (Accountability) and Up Your Game (Improvement). Employers will walk away with strategies to recruit potential candidates and retain employees. Coaches will help their students to seek and find meaning in their work.
  • Flip the Coaching Model:  Using E-Learning Methods to Advance the Careers of Working Professionals
    Audience: Career Coaches, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters
    Presenters: Vanessa George, Associate Director, Graduate Career Management, University of San Francisco;  John Hutchings, Associate Director, Career Management, North Carolina State Jenkins Working Professional MBA Program; Roy Young, CEO, Beyond B-School
    Working professional students and alumni typically have only a limited amount of time on campus. So, the traditional high-touch methods of face-to-face career coaching and in-classroom workshops are not always a practical option for these populations.  Fortunately, there are “flip the classroom” technologies and techniques commonly used in academics that can be effectively deployed to meet career goals. Recorded lectures and readings are reviewed before meeting to actively apply the knowledge in a workshop or lab setting, online or in person. The career coach’s role is to facilitate deeper learning rather than teaching foundational concepts.
  • Getting to Yes: What Matters Most to Students
    Audience: Employer Relations, Employers, Directors
    Presenters: Christine Van Dae, Associate Director, Market Intelligence, Harvard Business School; Lauren Murphy, Director, Career & Professional Development, Harvard Business School
    The Harvard Business School Career & Professional Development (CPD) team saw an opportunity to better support employers when it comes to converting offers to hires. To understand what drives student decisions, CPD conducted research with the class of 2019 targeting what’s most important when applying to roles, why they accepted and/or declined offers and what tradeoffs they made in their decision. Learn how student priorities shifted from the internship search to full-time employment and how it is relevant to employers. The HBS CPD team will share key findings with conference attendees. The session will be applicable to employer relations teams and employers across all industries.
  • Increasing Students’ Career Success by Utilizing Solution-Focused Coaching/Counseling Techniques
    Audience: Career Coaches, New Practitioners

    Presenter: Sonny KH. Wong, Registered Psychotherapist (Career Specialization), Ryerson University
    In this session, practitioners will gain the skills to formulate creative questions to tap into the students’ internal strengths, thereby helping them navigate through their school/work transition challenges. With guided interactive demonstrations, practitioners will learn how to utilize positive coaching/counseling techniques to help students overcome personal and professional uncertainties along with narrowing their job search skill gap.  More importantly, practitioners will learn how to co-construct actions plans and goals in a single session and gain the skills to address students’ complex problems without jeopardizing their own level of career well-being.
  • Specialty Masters Standards 101
    Audience: Specialized Masters, Operations, Directors
    Presenters: Wendy Clay, Executive Director, Simon Business School, University of Rochester; Mitch Kam, Director, Career and Employer Development, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western University; Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
    Learn about the key features of the Standards for Reporting Specialty Masters Employment Statistics.  The session will include an introduction to the Standards and their application, as well as Q&A and feedback relating to members’ observations in the first year of implementing these standards.
  • What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
    Audience: Employers, Directors
    Presenters: Laura Vanderkam, author of "What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast".
    Laura Vanderkam, author of "What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast" hosts this session.  The nature of college recruiting is usually heavily weighted to certain times of the year.  The personal and professional impacts of these demands and how to address them are directly applicable to Laura's points on nurturing careers, relationships and ourselves.  During this interactive session, Laura will share insights from her own personal story as well as some case studies.  Participants will learn tips on developing habits that will result in positive outcomes for their personal and professional lives.
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm Breakout Session #2
  • Building a New Concept for Your Talent Brand
    Audience: Employers
    Presenter: Maura Quinn, AVP, Campus Recruiting Program, Liberty Mutual Insurance
    Learn how to create a new expression of your talent brand that aligns with who you are and who you aspire to be as a company.  Come learn how to improve authenticity by creating more consistency between the internal and external experiences to build a stronger connection with prospective talent.
  • Careers in Canada: Immigration Opportunities through Express Entry
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, New Practitioners, Specialized Masters, International

    Presenters: Gwen Appelbaum, Assistant Dean, University of Buffalo School of Management; David Correira, Temporary Resident Officer, Consulate General of Canada; Cyril Joseph, Migration Program Manager, Consulate General of Canada; Ellen Murphy, Assistant Director, University at Buffalo School of Management
    With skilled workers in demand and a favorable immigration climate, Canada may be an attractive option for business graduates from around the world.  Learn how and when to advise students about considering immigration to Canada as a career option.  In this interactive session, representatives from the Consulate General of Canada and the University at Buffalo team up to offer an overview about the Express Entry process and facilitate a discussion about best practices and strategies for incorporating Canada in career planning, which may be of particular interest to international students looking to locate in North America post-graduation.

  • Closing the Mentorship Gap
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, International
    Presenters: Matt Kelly, Business Development Manager, PeopleGrove; Susan Watkins, Director of Operations, Stanford Graduate School of Business; Nancy Johnston, Senior Associate Director, Columbia Business School; Jamie Breznicky, Sr. Associate Director, Employer Engagement, The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania
    Mentorship unleashes social capital and opportunity, paving the way to lifelong career success for MBA and Specialty Masters students. The advantages of mentoring are compelling, but the reality is that the vast majority of students do not have access to effective or adequate mentoring, and in turn, are not afforded the benefits. The result is the mentoring gap. Given the many reasons for the gap (difficulty organizing cross functionally, small staff and budgets, etc. ), a new model is needed. Graduate programs will need to leverage technology, put students at the center, personalize offerings, and simplify/consolidate resources to achieve this goal.
  • Coming Soon to Grad School:  Gen Z!
    Audience: Employers, Directors
    Presenter: Jamie Belinne, Assistant Dean, University of Houston - Bauer College of Business
    While Millennials are the largest demographic in the workforce, Gen Z, is even larger, and they're coming your way!  Jamie has completed more than 10 years of research on the differences between Millennials and Gen Z in the workplace for her book, "The Care and Feeding of Your Young Employee," and gives a lively and entertaining overview of how and why the younger generations are different, with specific tips to maximize engagement.  They are VERY different from previous generations . . . and we can learn as much from them as they can learn from us!
  • Future of Career Services: EQ as a Core Pillar of Personal and Professional Development Transformation
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, Directors
    Presenter: Martina Valkovicova, Assistant Dean, Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre, UBC Sauder School of Business
    The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report believes that Emotional Intelligence will be the second most sought-after skill by employers by 2020. CareerBuilder found that 71% of employers value EQ over IQ during this 4th Industrial Revolution. Research from Stanford University across fortune 500 companies showed 90% of those who failed as leaders did so because of lower EQ.

    Learn about the transformation of a traditional career services model to a personal and professional development model where EQ plays a key role, how to gain buy-in from the Faculty and the tool (deployed to 5,000 students) that UBC Sauder uses.
  • Going Virtual: Workshops, Fairs, and Networking
    Audience: Career Coaches, Working Professionals, Operations, Directors
    Presenter: Linsey Hugo, Director of Employer Relations, Ohio University College of Business
    Forbes reports the number of online MBA programs nearly doubled in 2018. With the rapid increase in online graduate programs, career centers need to go virtual. This session will describe the process of selecting a virtual platform, designing virtual programs, and executing virtual workshops, fairs, and networking events.

    To serve nearly 1,000 online MBA students, Ohio University adopted a virtual approach. Virtual workshops expedite one-on-one resume reviews and career exploration through text chats. Virtual fairs facilitate conversations between employers and students without the constraints of an in-person event. Networking conversations connect alumni and students to promote knowledge sharing and serendipitous encounters.
  • How To Enhance Career Goals, Employment Opportunities & Student-Achievement By Mastering The “Concept Of Business”
    Audience: Career Coaches, Working Professionals, Directors, Specialized Masters

    Presenters: Dean Vera, Assistant Dean and Director, MBA Office of Career Management, Rutgers Business School; Rushab Kamdar, Speaker, Rushab Speaks
    Imagine if your students could think, talk, and analyze business in a structured manner...early in their MBA/masters program! Students would confidently navigate the curriculum by seeing how all the pieces connect. Career Changers and Working Professionals would be able to better identify and pursue opportunities in an organization. The challenging student populations (International and introverted) would be able to present themselves more effectively. All students would be able to successfully network and interview by speaking the language of business with ease. Learn how the “Concept of Business” framework can help MBA /MS students master an instrumental skill for academic and career success.

  • The Power of Strengths-Based Feedback in Coaching
    Audience: All
    Presenters: Marie-José Beaudin, Executive Director, Soutar Career Centre, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University; Zsolt Kekesi, Career Coach, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University
    Studies prove there is more to gain by building on people’s existing strengths than trying to improve weaknesses in terms of energy, motivation, etc. Since we tend to enjoy what we are good at, developing strengths is more natural than overcoming weaknesses. We will:                                    
     • Discuss the strength-based feedback benefits noted after integrating coaching in our program for 5 years;
    • Talk about the science behind strengths, and how companies are using these tools for development and interviewing;
    • Help employers and career coaches identify and develop strengths in employees and students.
    • Provide to employers the competencies that should be expected in interviewing.
  • Timing of Campus Recruiting: Perspectives from both Schools and Employers
    Audience: Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, Employers, Directors
    Moderator: Phil Heavilin II, Executive Director, Career Development Office, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University; Panelists: Kim Austin, Director, Graduate Business Career Management Center, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University; Luther Harris-Disalvo, Lead Consultant-Leadership Development Program, AT&T; Angie Kirk, Director, Professional Development Program, Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT); Stacy Whitman, Program Manager, MBA Intern & Development Programs,Dell Technologies
    Do you feel like the demand to recruit talent is earlier and earlier every year? How do schools prepare students for recruiting when many students aren't sure what they want to do? What are best practices for productive school/employer collaborations that meet the objectives of both groups? Join school and employer professionals for a discussion around what's working with campus recruiting, where are there opportunities to improve, and what we can do to collectively ensure the experience is fruitful for all including students, schools and employers.
  • Using Designing Your Life with MBA Populations
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Specialized Masters
    Presenters: Gregory Heller, Sr. Associate Director, MBA Career Management, University of Washington, Foster School of Business; and Matthew Temple, Director, Alumni Career & Professional Development, Kellogg School of Management
    MBAs and students in Specialty Masters programs who are entering the workforce will have a variety of roles in a range of industries in the years after they leave our programs. Choosing a career – once a singular experience for a professional – will be something our students will tackle multiple times. For career changers, they may need to shift their mindset around networking and how to accept failures. Design Thinking provides a framework for tackling these "wicked problems."  This session will demonstrate a variety of ways career services professionals have used and can use the Designing Your Life (DYL) book and similar frameworks to improve student employment satisfaction and outcomes.
4:45 pm - 5:45 pm
Full-time MBA Standards 101
Presenters: Kay Dawson, Director of Operations, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley;
Kathi To, Director, Operations and Career Education, Leonard N. Stern School of Business. New York University; Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA

Learn about the key features of the Standards for Reporting Full-time MBA Employment Statistics, focusing on the following areas:- (i) background to Standards and common uses (ii) an introduction to the key features of the Standards, including student status, compensation reporting and accounting for dual-degree students.  This session will be invaluable for career services staff who are new to employment data reporting and the application of Standards.
Thursday, June 27

9:00 - 10:15 am Breakout Session #3

  • Career Ready or Not Here They Come: Activate Engagement through the Career Kickstart G.O.A.L.S program
    Audience: Career Coaches, Specialized Masters, Directors
    Presenters: Brandy Dalton, Director of BBA/MS Career Programs, SMU Cox School of Business
    It’s complicated enough to prepare 2-year students for the job search process. What if you had 10 months? To start the process early and try to prevent the “panic” stages students may experience, the SMU Cox School of Business designed the MS Career Management Kickstart G.O.A.L.S program. It consists of 10 components and sets clear expectations regarding the job search process.  It launches in June before MS students arrive on campus, providing deliverables/deadlines throughout the summer. In this interactive session we will work together to address best practices, metrics, and outcomes to better prepare MS students for their job search.
  • Counseling the Can't Decider: Breaking Through Impasse and Getting to a Healthy Career Choice
    Audience: Career Coaches, New Practitioners

    Presenters: James Waldroop, President, CareerLeader, LLC; Marcia Katz, Senior Associate Director of Career Development, Brandeis University
    The student who has one job offer wants two. The student with two offers wants ten. Or, the student with two offers has an extensive analysis replete with weighted decision criteria, and already regrets having had that wish granted.

    Making the final decision can send the student into anything from a frenzy of joy to a state of near-paralysis. In this presentation, the author will address the psychological factors that lead to an impasse and (with the audience) will discuss a range of ways in which you can intervene to help students cut the Gordian knot that is holding them back.
  • How Specialty Masters Programs are Revolutionizing Business Talent
    Audience: Employer Relations, Employers, Specialized Masters
    Moderator: Stephen Glomb, Senior Associate Director and Career Coach, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
    Panelists: Michelle Li, Director, Master of Business Analytics Program, MIT Sloan; Wendy Clay, Executive Director, CMC, Simon Business School at University of Rochester; Lisa Umenyiora, Executive Director of Careers, Imperial College Business School

    Join us for a panel discussion that takes a deep dive into how the growth of Specialty Masters programs is impacting the hiring landscape. This session will provide attendees with an overview of the types of roles and companies that are seeking these highly desirable students, as well as how schools are helping employers recognize the value these students bring to the marketplace.
  • How to Help Schools, Students, and Employers be More Successful in Securing U.S. Work Authorization
    Audience: All
    Presenters: Denise Karaoli, Senior Associate Director of International Programs, Opportunities and Diversity, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia; Annie Marra, Associate Director, S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University; Stephen Yale-Loehr, Of Counsel, Miller Mayer, LLC
    As the immigration landscape evolves, international student placement in the U.S. weighs heavily on business school administrators and employers alike. Are there trends among successful H-1B visa petitions? What strategies can business schools employ to help students secure U.S. work authorization? What can employers do to improve visa petition approval? Join us to explore these topics as we examine the results of a multi-school, international alumni survey and discuss opportunities for schools and employers to increase their success in the U.S. visa process. Attendees will participate in a group discussion regarding company alternatives and procedures if H-1B is denied and hear from employers who have addressed challenges in hiring international talent.
  • Mindfulness Minutemen and Women: Tips, Tools, and Techniques
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, Employers, International, Operations, Directors
    Presenters: Ellen Bartkowiak, Leadership & Mindfulness Coach and Speaker, EllenCoaching, LLC; Sally Bell, Senior Associate Director, Industry Relations, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon
    What if you only have a minute for mindfulness? This session will discuss and demonstrate techniques to get out of The “F” Zone; that subtle feeling of fight, flight, freeze, frustration, fear, or fed-up. Let’s take a minute to practice what General Mills, Google, and Apple have known for years; the importance of mindfulness. Be prepared to participate in meditation exercises that will set aside your demanding boss, wicked-crazy recruiting schedules, entitled students, and multitasking reminders. Hear how your colleagues incorporate mindfulness successfully and leave the session with tools leaving you feeling calm, confident, and connected.
  • Part-time MBA Standards 101
    Audience: Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Operations, Working Professionals, Directors
    Presenters: Beth Ursin, Assistant Dean and Director of Career Management, Willamette University MBA; Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
    Learn about the key features of the Standards for Reporting Part-time MBA Employment Profile.  The session will include an introduction to the Standards and their application, as well as Q&A and feedback relating to members’ observations in the first year of implementing these standards.
  • Strategies To Use Career To Drive Enrollments - Perspectives From A Public and Private Institution
    Audience: Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Directors

    Presenters: David Kozhuk, CEO, uConnect; Susan Brennan, Assistant Dean, Career Development, MIT Sloan School of Management; Kim Austin, Director, Career Management Center, Texas A&M University Mays Business School
    No one is disputing that Career is critical to the MBA student. But now institutions are starting to think about it in terms of how it can have an impact on institutional goals and drive enrollment. Historically the career office supported the needs of the enrolled student; but that is changing as institutions are realizing they need to consider how to use career to reach prospective students. This session will show you how both a private and public institution are integrating career into their ecosystem and the impact it can have on strategic objectives such as enrollment, retention and outcomes.
  • The Changing Face of Case: How to Prepare Masters’ Students for Case Interviews
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, New Practitioners, Specialized Masters, International

    Presenters: Lily Salem, Career Strategist - MS Business Analytics, Graduate Career Services, USC - Marshall School of Business; Mark Brostoff, Assistant Dean, Graduate Career Services, USC - Marshall School of Business; David Ohrvall, Founder, MBACASE; Justin McBride, Principal, BCG GAMMA
    A masters students’ path to recruiting success demands a unique skill – conquering the case interview! All masters students should expect to face a real world challenge designed to test their problem solving skills. USC's Masters in Business Analytics team has developed innovative methods to progressively build both business and quantitative interview skills in their students. David Ohrvall, master case interview trainer, will refresh your case interview knowledge, give you tips on how to counsel a variety of students and engage your thinking with a real case problem. Come ready to engage and learn in this high energy, practical session.
  • Train the Trainer: Interview Like A Rockstar (Let's get beyond STAR stories and work experience!)
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, International
    Presenters: Jaymin Patel, Author, Speaker, Coach; Heidi Cuthbertson, Campus Relations and Strategy Lead, Ball Aerospace
    If 10 candidates are interviewed, and all 10 have great STAR stories and similar work experience, yet only 3-5 can get advanced to the next round... how do Interviewers actually decide on who are the real Rockstars? Come to this "Train the Trainer" module that will teach career center coaches step-by-step how to leverage a time-tested frameworks to teach "Advanced Interviewing Skills" to ANY student. Frameworks presented will be based on research conducted among a variety of industries who recruit graduate business students.

11:00 - 12:00 pm

Plenary Session: The Future of the Workforce
Moderator: Jacob Cohen-Senior Associate Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management. Panelists: Maura Quinn, Assistant Vice President, Campus Recruiting Programs, Liberty Mutual Insurance; David Wishon, Director of Talent Acquisition and People Analytics, Rue Gilt Groupe; Kristin Lostutter, Manager of US MBA Recruiting, McKinsey & Company
Join us for a Fireside Chat with a business school dean and strategic industry leaders as they discuss the “ Future of the Workforce”.  This session will focus on MBA and Specialty Masters hiring, and how students from these programs will impact organizations in the coming years.

1:45 - 3:00 pm Breakout Session #4
  • 2019 Hiring Outlook
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, Employers, International, Directors

    Presenters: Kevin Hardy, Director of Career Services,Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati; Rhonda Daniel, Survey Research Manager, GMAC
    Join this discussion session for an in-depth look at the results of the recently-released 2019 GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey. We will discuss the hiring outlook, including salary projections, employer demand for MBA and specialty master’s business students, and international students. We will share information about shifts in business school demand, as reported from prospective students and admissions departments. We invite employers and school professionals to join this year’s discussion to share what your programs are doing to assist students in their job search.
  • Advanced Standards Session
    Audience: Advanced Practitioners, Operations, Directors
    Moderator: Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA. Panelists: Beth Ursin, Assistant Dean and Director of Career Management, Willamette University MBA; Wendy Clay, Executive Director, Simon Business School, University of Rochester; Mitch Kam, Director, Career and Employer Development, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western University; Kathi To, Director, Operations and Career Education, Stern School of Business, New York University
    This session is aimed at participants who are already familiar with the key elements and principles of the Standards, and are looking to develop a deeper understanding of some of the more complex issues regarding employment data reporting.  Members of the Standards committees will outline some of the more frequent questions that have been asked over the last year, and will also offer the opportunity to ask questions about issues that arise when collecting and reporting employment data.

    Advising International Students About Job Searches in the U.S.
    Audience: Careers Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, International

    Presenter: Helen Konrad, Director, Immigration Practice Group of McCandish Holton, PC
    This session will assist Career Service Professionals and Employers with thorny issues that surround employment of international students.  The speaker has 30 years of experience representing employers who hire international students.  She has a keen understanding of what employers look for in hiring international students and what students should do to be on a level playing field with US workers.  We’ll discuss tools students need to overcome the false belief that “employers won’t hire international students” and give employers the information they need to demystify international student hiring, allowing them to hire the best and brightest for the jobs available.

  • Constructing an MBA/Masters Career Course – Building the Edifice from the Ground Up
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, International, Directors

    Presenters: Heidi Cuthbertson, Campus Relations and Strategy Lead, Ball Aerospace; John Rooney, Director Graduate Business Centers, Notre Dame
    One way career centers address the challenge of low student attendance at workshops is to establish a required career development course.   During this session, you will see how two different MBA programs, University of California Riverside and University of Notre Dame (Mendoza), built and evolved required career development courses.  This session will provide advice and lessons learned about aspects of course development including:
•    Breaking Ground: Creating and submitting a new course petition
•    Laying the Foundation: Earning buy-in from leadership
•    Construction: Designing the course from scratch – syllabus, grading rubric, content presentation methods, etc.
•    Renovation: Challenges along the way, lessons learned (the hard way!), and subsequent changes implemented
  • Job Search Action Teams: Team Coaching to Infuse New Strategies and Energize the Job Search
    Audience: Career Coaches, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters

    Presenters: Jill Westerfield, Assistant Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University; Nancy Gilbertsen, Director, Career Management and Corporate Relations, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
    Join us to think about how to approach student coaching with growing international Specialty Masters and MBA populations. Fisher College of Business has adapted an innovative way to actualize the positive influence of peer support while simultaneously teaching job search strategies in a collaborative environment. The Job Search Action Team approach consists of a cross-section of graduate degree students participating in team coaching facilitated by a career consultant.  Participants will experience a simulated job search action team and discuss strategies for implementing this unique group coaching approach. Best practices will be shared for logistics of implementation and measuring program outcomes.
  • MBA/Masters Interns Give the Inside Scoop
    Audience: Career Coaches, Employer Relations, Employers, Directors
    Moderator: Cheri Hurtubise, Manager, Campus Recruiting, Chewy; Panelists: Josh Sugarman – BC Carroll MBA ‘19, Manveer Singh – Bentley MBA/MSIT ‘19, Laura Rodriguez – Northeastern MBA ‘19 Liz Lupton  - Northeastern MBA ‘18 
    Did you know that New Englanders are the largest consumers of ice cream in the US? Boston is also home to the nation's largest all-you-can-eat ice cream festival. But more importantly, Boston is a top internship destination for many graduate business students! In this session, former interns from a variety of industries give the "Inside Scoop" about their internship experiences - including what worked well and what could be done better. Employers will learn ways to tweak their internship program to ensure it’s providing the best value to students. Schools will hear best practices to share with employers and help prepare students.
  • The Benefits of a Career Consortium for Member Schools, Students and Employers
    Audience: Career Coaches, Advanced Practitioners, Employer Relations, New Practitioners, Working Professionals, Specialized Masters, International, Operations, Directors

    Facilitator: Jane Mahoney Outar, Brandeis International Business School, Co-Chair of the Boston MBA/MS Career Consortium
    Panelists: Cheri Paulson, F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College; Jamie Belinne, C.T. Bauer College at University of Houston; Kimbrelyn Austin, Mays Business School at Texas A&M University; Andre Rishi, Mihaylo College of Business and Economics at California State University Fullerton;

    The Boston MBA/MS Career Consortium is excited to be offering a panel on the benefits of a consortium for member schools and their students. The panel will include representatives from diverse types of consortia across the country who will share their experiences and views on what a consortium can provide. Topics may include type of consortia, annual Professional Development Day and leveraging our strengths as a group related to employers and external vendors.
  • The “It” Factor – Helping Students Cultivate Self-Awareness to Develop a Standout Personal Brand
    Audience: Career Coaches, New Practitioners, Employers
    Presenters: Zoe Sullivan, Associate Director, Career Development, Rice University - Jones Graduate School of Business ; Stacy Whitman, Program Manager, Marketing MBA Intern & Development Programs, Dell
    This session is intended to educate career coaches and employers on how student self-awareness and other-awareness may affect hiring behavior, and provide them with the tools and techniques to effectively partner with students in exploring, clarifying, and communicating multiple aspects of their personal brand in a career advising or recruiting capacity. Relevant research and employer testimonials will be utilized to draw insights on how self- and other-awareness affects recruiters' selection of candidates. We will then review exercises and techniques to help students crystallize their brands and stories across a variety of platforms and situations throughout the recruiting process.
  • The Student-Centric Employer Engagement Model
    Audience: Career Coaches, Employer Relations, Working Professionals, Directors
    Presenter: Charles LaBelle, Associate Director, Head of Employer Engagement, INSEAD
    The INSEAD Employer Engagement team's target was to attract 500+ companies and post 5000+ jobs. While job outcomes hit KPIs, student satisfaction lagged behind expectations. Under new leadership, the focus has shifted back to our primary stakeholder, the student, and has yielded considerable results. If we focus on this constant of student satisfaction, and control what we can control, we can create a consistent approach that creates a better student to career center relationship. Participants will discuss the actions and results that demonstrate the value teams can earn when Employer Engagement puts the student at the center of its mission.
4:00 - 5:15 pm

Spill the Beans Sessions II
Join us for a second opportunity to share and collaborate among those in a similar role as you! In Beantown (Boston’s nickname), we will have the unique liberty to Spill the Beans instead of holding back! We will follow up with a second round of these sessions, which allow conference attendees who share similar roles at their university or company to engage in energetic activities – connecting, asking questions, and sharing ideas and information with like-minded colleagues. We’ll share grandma’s secret ingredients in Spill the Beans Session 1 and spice them up to win Michelin stars in Spill the Beans Session 2. We hope these sessions will create some new recipes for success!
  • Cool Beans
    Audience: Career Center Team Leaders (CCTL)
    Co-facilitators: Phil Han, Director of Recruiting Operations & Career Advisor, UCLA Anderson School of Management; Mitchell Kam, Director, Career and Employer Development, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
    With so many Cool Beans to choose from, Spill the Beans I only scratched the surface of our discussion. Career Center Team Leaders can easily talk for endless hours about challenges and opportunities encountered on a regular basis. So, let's take those new pearls beans of wisdom gained from all the excellent breakout sessions to build upon yesterday's conversation. Join us for another interactive session in the kitchen as we consider additional topics of importance to cook up during Spill the Beans II.
  • Spicing Up Your Bean: Thinking "Out of the Pot" to Enhance Employer Engagement
    Audience: Employer Relations Professionals
    Co-facilitators: Kevin Stacia, Corporate Relations Manager, Georgia Institute of Technology; Nina Camfield, Associate Director, Corporate Relations, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington
    In Session 1 of “Spicing Up Your Beans” we focused on sharing the best practices for engaging with our employers. In this sequel session, we will stir the pot and start figuring out which spices we can add to create new concoctions to enhance the menu of our unique and ever changing beans.   Join us as we work together to think “out of the pot”, add new ingredients and create some new recipes you can use to innovate the ways you connect employers to your students, develop more flexible partnerships, and better leverage technology to “Spice Up Your Beans”.
  • Picking the Right Beans: Managing a Talent Pipeline - Employers - 2nd Serving
    Audience: Employers 

    Co-facilitators: Jay Brown, Lead College Recruiting Manager, AT&T; Althea Foxx, Campus Manager, University Relations, Eaton
    This is a closed session for employers only.  There are always more topics than discussion time, so we have extended this year’s employers group sessions to discuss additional topics of interest. Your Spill the Beans Session facilitators will address additional topics not covered during the first session.  Join us for the 2nd portion of “Picking the Right Beans.”
  • Magic Beans: Challenges and Best Practices for Operations Professionals - Technology and Virtual Recruiting
    Audience: Operations Professionals

    Co-facilitators: Becca Carnahan, Associate Director, Recruiting Operations, Harvard Business School; Ruxandra TOSUN, Student Liaison Officer, Career Development Centre, INSEAD
    Join professionals in operations-focused roles in Career Services, Employer Relations, or on a Recruiting team to continue our discussion around best practices, challenges, and new ideas for improving the operational effectiveness of your team, department, and school. Topics in this second serving of the Operations focused breakout session will include virtual recruiting and career education, using technology to reduce manual process, and vendor management.
  • Seasoning the Beans: Coaching Students in a Changing Global Marketplace
    Audience: Coaches
    Co-facilitators: Paulina Nozka, Manager, Career Education and Coaching, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University; Marcia Katz, Director of Career Development, Brandeis International Business School
    Bringing all the ingredients together to create the tastiest dish, this session provides the opportunity for all the coaches to come together, those working with MBA programs and specialty programs alike.  We will tackle your most burning questions and topics from the first Spill the Beans session and maybe add some new ideas to the mix.  So bring together your key learnings and takeaways from the day before and come away with delicious recipes ready to be baked.
Friday, June 28
8:30 - 9:30 AM
B-School Rankings…More Than Just a Number
Moderator: Jeff McNish, Assistant Dean, UVA Darden School of Business. Panelists: Robert Morse, Chief Data Strategist, U.S. News & World Report; Daniel Kahn, Business School Research, QS Intelligence Unit, Caleb Solomon, Senior Editor, Bloomberg
Does your school participate in the various business school rankings? Does your company use the rankings as part of your school selection or recruiting strategy?  Many of the organizations conducting rankings are using more and more data out of career centers.  Join our panel discussion to learn more about the components of some of the major rankings and what they mean for business schools and recruiters. The session includes a Q&A opportunity for participants to ask burning questions of participating rankings institutions.

9:30 - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Professional Development Sessions
  • Data, Going Beyond the Numbers
    Presenter: Christine Van Dae, Associate Director, Market Intelligence, Career & Professional Development, Harvard Business School
    Using data to tell a compelling story can sometimes be daunting.  How you present data plays a big role in getting your message across in a succinct, memorable and impactful way. Showing the right information in the right way should not only inform and engage your stakeholders, but should also enable your message to stand on its own.  Christine Van Dae from the HBS Career & Professional Development team will walk you through best practices for storytelling and data visualization. This session will be applicable to anyone who works with or presents data designed to guide strategic decisions.
  • Panel Discussion - Career Advancement and Mobility for Career Development Professionals
    Panelists: John Patrick, Sr. Manager – Academic Strategy, Delta Airlines; Craig Petrus, Executive Director of Career Services, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida; and Jane Trnka, Executive Director, Career Resource Center, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College
    We spend most of our waking hours focusing on others’ career development. Now it’s our turn to reflect on our own career planning! Engage in a dialog with those who have advanced their careers within career centers or pivoted into different industries. What are the possibilities and opportunities? Conduct our informational interviews and seize the hour to design our future.