Program Details

View our printed program, which will also be available on-site.

MBA CSEA is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 7.15 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

We have a pending application for 7.25 credits through HRCI.

Tuesday, June 19

2:00 - 4:00 pm

Pre-Conference Session for Career Center Leaders/Directors (by invitation only - contact us if you are a Career Center Leader and have not received an invitation)
Co-facilitators: Eric Johnson, Executive Director, Graduate Career Services, University of Indiana, Kelley School of Business | Beth Ursin, Assistant Dean and Director of Career Management, Willamette University MBA
We're pleased to bring back the pre-conference session for Directors/Career Center Leaders!

So, you’re the ‘Leader of the Band’ and occasionally it seems your weeks are filled with only ‘Rainy Days and Mondays.’ The business school landscape is ever-changing and it can frequently seem ‘Lonely at the Top,’ but ‘You Ought to be Having Fun. Get together and expand your network with other MBA Career Center leaders for a pre-conference interactive discussion to compare best practices and create new solutions because ‘We are Family’ and we’ve got ‘Work to Do.’ Soon, you’ll be thinking anything is possible ‘With a Little Help from My Friends.’

We’ll discuss a range of topics including leadership development and succession planning, shrinking university budgets, balancing the demands of diverse constituencies (deans, faculty, students, alumni, employers, and donors), innovative staffing/resource/technology strategies, decreased student enrollments, changes in demand between MBA and specialty masters programs, and keeping your team motivated and energized.
Join your peers and together you’ll ‘Climb Every Mountain.’ ‘The Future’s So Bright,’ we’ve gotta wear shades. Besides, we’re in Miami and we should be ‘Happy’ and ‘Walking in Sunshine.’

3:00 - 5:00 pm
New Member Orientation: Get into the Groove
Co-facilitators: Rebecca Cook, Executive Director, MBA Program Kelley School of Business, Indiana University | Hannah Sullivan, Talent Acquisition Specialist, North Highland
Are you ready to ROCK OUT over the Magic City skyline and harmonize with your peers about the ever-changing global trends in employment and recruiting for MBAs and Master's candidates? To start your exciting adventure, sync up with old and new colleagues alike beginning with an informative and fun new member orientation jam session. You'll gain insight into MBA CSEA, what we do, how we do it, and why. Afterward, take center stage and inspire others with the partnerships and knowledge you’ll have developed at this year's conference.

Wednesday, June 20 (9:15 - 10:45 am) & Thursday, June 21 (3:45 - 5:00 pm)
Jam Sessions
As we head into what will be a fantastic week of professional development, networking and idea sharing, we will kick off the conference with our "Jam Sessions." Similar to our Building Bridges Sessions last year, Jam Sessions allow for those conference attendees who share similar roles at their university or company to connect and share ideas, ask questions and share information in a session of like-minded colleagues. Due to popular demand, follow-up sessions will be offered this year to continue the discussions. We’ll lay down the melodies in Jam Session 1 and create the harmonies in Jam Session 2. We hope these sessions will create some new musical tunes and make for a fantastic MBA CSEA 2018 conference.
Striking a Chord: Employer Relations in Career Centers
Audience: Employer Relations Professionals

Co-facilitators: Edward Dallas, Head of Employer Engagement, London Business School | Paul Poissant, Director, Employer Relations, Professional Graduate Programs, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University
Establishing effective relationships with employers is key to adding value to the student experience.  How can your program best build a variety of relationships, with both structured and unstructured organizations, across the broad range of sectors with which students look to engage? This session will share ideas, best practices and experiences on how to navigate the vital function of connecting employers to your career center.

Takin' Care of Business - Recruiting and Developing a Chorus of Talented Voices
Audience: Employers

Co-facilitators: Katherine (Kathy) Martin, Sr. University Relations Manager, T-Mobile USA | Amit Puri, MBA Relations Specialist, McKesson
Let’s Come Together! Join us for the 2nd annual Employers Jam Session! This event is designed just for you! Get to know your employer peers and discuss hot topics and trends. This event will be facilitated by Talent acquisition experts from T-Mobile and McKesson.

Working 9 - 5: Challenges and Best Practices for Operations Professionals
Audience: Operations Professionals

Co-facilitators: Kay Dawson, Director of Operations, Data & Technology, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley | Stephen Glomb, Senior Associate Director and Career Coach, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
This session is a valuable new opportunity for professionals who sit in operations-focused roles in Career Services, Employer Relations, or on a Recruiting team. There will be opportunities to network with other conference attendees while sharing best practices, challenges, and new ideas for improving the operational effectiveness of your team, department, and school.

Working in Concert – Career Center Team Leaders
Audience: Career Center Directors, Associate Directors, Assistant Directors, or anyone who leads a team within the career management office.
Co-facilitators: Sean Ferguson, Associate Dean and Director of MBA Program, Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT Sloan | Sue Hochman, Director, Career Education and Advising, Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University
All Around the World,’ career offices come in many ‘Shapes’ and sizes, ‘Big and Small.’ Whether you're the solo ‘Piano Man,’ the leader of a group of ’76 Trombones,’ or a guitarist who sets the rhythm for the ‘Sultans of Swing,’ you'll need to 'Work in Concert' before your team can proclaim, ‘We Are the Champions.’ ‘Come Sail Away’ with us for an interactive session of career team leaders (directors, associate directors, assistant directors, anyone who leads a team). The discussion will include, but not be limited to:
- Do students know how to network?
- Alignment from admissions, through to program/curriculum/career services
- Student accountability and ownership of the career process?
Tools and services
We'll ‘Listen to the Music’ and discuss ways to ‘Breakout’ and avoid dissonant notes. Together, we’ll create chords and build a ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ as we write our musical ‘Masterpiece.’ Before long, we’ll shout, ‘Hallelujah’ and ask someone to ‘Play that Funky Music’ because we’ll be ‘Walking in Rhythm’ and singing in ‘Harmony’ as you become a ‘Smooth Operator.

Note: this is different than the Directors/Leaders session, which will be a pre-conference session this year by invitation only.

You Raise Me Up - Coaching Your Students to Stand on Mountains and Walk on Stormy Seas
Audience: Career Coaches

Co-facilitators: Seth Thibodeaux, Interim Director, OBSS Professional Development, Flores MBA Program - Associate Director, Career Services and External Relations, E. J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University | Zoe Sullivan, Associate Director, Career Development, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University
Welcome to Miami and a Jam Session designed especially for you! This Jam Session is an opportunity to share your best practices with colleagues who face similar challenges when working to coach and advise students, assist employers, and build supportive working environments. In small groups, we will have a collaborative discussion on topics specifically chosen for you while networking with colleagues from across the country and globe! Ask questions, share your ideas and experiences (good and bad), and the outcomes that you've found to help students, employers, and colleagues reach their goals! Join us as we Jam!!!

Wednesday, June 20

11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Keynote Speaker
Kindra Hall, The Irresistible Power of Strategic Storytelling

Businesses, brands, marketing teams and leaders at all levels are desperately trying to capture attention and resonate with their stakeholders who expect more. Is there a secret weapon? A silver bullet to humanize and connect? Yes. The answer is strategic storytelling.

The problem? In its rapid rise in popularity, “storytelling” has been reduced to unactionable jargon. Every day businesses and individuals miss critical opportunities to connect with their elusive audiences in powerful ways because they lack a storytelling skill. Until now.

Kindra Hall has presented this storytelling keynote for audiences around the world to equip them with this essential skill for success in a connected economy. Far from jargon or fluff, Kindra’s approach to storytelling is razor-sharp and immediately actionable. The result: Using Kindra’s blueprint for effective storytelling, attendees leave empowered and equipped to build better relationships or blow up their personal and corporate brands by leveraging the irresistible power of their stories.

Kindra is an award-winning columnist, author, and national champion storyteller. As a former Director of Marketing and VP of Sales, Kindra discovered the most effective method for capturing attention and increasing revenue—great storytelling. Kindra’s work can be seen in a weekly column at, and has been featured in SUCCESS Magazine, and behind the scenes in New York Times best selling books. A former board member of the National Storytelling Network, and with a Masters’ Degree in Organizational Communications & Management, Kindra now teaches innovative brands and executives to close more sales, become better leaders and blow up brands with the irresistible power of strategic storytelling.

Wednesday, June 20

12:15 - 1:30 pm

Plenary Session
Lunch and Employers Fireside Chat
Moderator: John Helmers, Associate Director, Graduate Career Management - University of Colorado Boulder, Leeds School of Business
Panelists: Jay Brown, Lead College Recruiting Manager - AT&T | Cheri Hurtubise, Manager, Graduate Campus Recruiting - Liberty Mutual Insurance | John "JP" Patrick, Senior Manager, Academic Strategy - Delta Air Lines

Our luncheon on Wednesday will feature an Employer Fireside Chat plenary session with an ensemble of employer members from several industries.  This trio of professionals will discuss trends, issues and best practices around hiring and on-boarding graduate business students. The topics for this moderated discussion will be beneficial to both school and employer members, and will include the current hiring landscape, skills and qualities sought by employers in today’s business environment and how that has evolved in recent years, employers’ perspectives on growth of specialty masters programs versus the traditional MBA, and other trends and best practices in hiring methods and processes. Their insights and perspectives are sure to be music to our ears.   

Wednesday, June 20

5:15 - 6:15 pm

Full-time MBA Standards 101
Kathi To, Director of Operations, Corporate Relations, Career Services and Leadership Development, NYU Stern; Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
The Standards for Reporting Full-time MBA Employment Statistics are the practices for collection, management, and distribution of employment data upon which prospective students, peer schools, employers, and the media rely for accurate and comparable information about Full–Time MBA programs. Usage of the Standards provides schools with a way to ensure their data is reliable and user-friendly. The session will provide an introduction to the Full-time MBA Standards for people who are new to the Standards or to data collection, or have basic questions about their usage or interpretation. We will also provide an overview of the Standards Compliance Review (formerly titled AUP) program, which allows schools to publicly state that their data is Standards-compliant and eligible for an external review.

Wednesday, June 20 & Thursday, June 21

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Wednesday 1:45 - 3:00 pm

Emotional Intelligence – Key to Performance on So Many Levels
Denny Faurote, President, Faurote Group | Eric Johnson, Executive Director Graduate Career Services, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University |
Rebecca Cook, Executive Director, MBA Program, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.  EQ is so important to our work and daily lives, yet most people don’t have a good understanding of it and how it can be improved.  We tend to overestimate our own emotional intelligence, thinking that we are pretty good at it, but the reality is often quite different. The good news is one’s EQ can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas. This interactive session will focus on the connection between emotions and actions, all of the different facets of EQ, and how important it is in predicting our happiness, health and professional and personal success. This session will help you to assess and develop your personal EQ – which is a key factor in effectively coaching students and engaging with prospective candidates.
Audience: All

Immigration Upgrades: Navigating Work Options for International Students

Helen Konrad, Director, McCandlish Holton PC
Immigration is in the news every day, it seems. This session will explore the ways in which employers may still hire the best and brightest talent available, even if that person is an international student.  We will also discuss how career coaches can help guide international students on how they can remain in the US to work after graduation, but do so in a way that focuses on the factors that employers care about:  (1) How much will it cost? (2) How long will it take?; and (3) What are my obligations to the international student?  We will cover F-1 Optional Practical Training, STEM extensions, H-1B and even visa categories that allow for starting your own business.
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Coaching, Specialty Masters, Directors

Lifelong Learning for the Digital Generation: Exploring Pathways Beyond Graduate Business Degrees
Jeanine Romano, PhD,  Director, Business Education Data, Benchmarking, and Analysis, AACSB
Graduate business degrees are often just one step in individuals’ lifelong learning pathways, and increasingly they and their employers are choosing from a broadening portfolio of options for their educational and talent development needs. Gain insights from recent surveys of the “digital generation” demographic about their motivations and preferences for ongoing business education, as well as of companies’ talent leaders about their organization’s needs & strategies. With other attendees, explore implications for the way you think about degree and non-degree alternatives for serving the needs of today’s learners.
Audience: All

Online, Residential, or Hybrid: How to customize the career management experience for various graduate populations
Jennifer Murphy, Assistant Dean of Career Management & Student Success, Ohio University - College of Business
The last decade has brought change and increased complexity to graduate programs as many business schools have responded to market demand and leveraged technologies to provide flexible on-line and hybrid graduate degrees. For career management professionals, delivering customized career programming and services to multiple student populations can be extremely challenging. The College of Business at Ohio University has over 1,000 graduate students ranging from a one-year, full-time MBA Program on campus where students have almost no professional experience to a two-year, part-time on-line program with working professionals averaging over 10 years of experience. This session will use interactive case studies from multiple graduate populations to demonstrate how career management leveraged technologies (Adobe Connect, Panopto, Brazen). The session will discuss how college leadership built experiential learning opportunities and global consulting projects for on-campus students while leveraging technology to provide virtual career fairs and on-line career services for students in distance programs.
Audience: Coaching, Advanced Practitioners, Operations, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals, Directors

Physician Heal Thyself - Reflecting on Our Own Advice
Cheri Hurtubise, Manager, Graduate Campus Recruiting at Liberty Mutual Insurance will be joined by a panel of recruiters from a variety of industries
We're experts at giving advice -- but when is the last time we took our own medicine? When did you last dust off your resume and make updates? Do you know how that resume would resonate with employers or new industries? Are you stuck on just how to talk about your transferrable skills, the value you bring to the workplace, or simply how awesome you really are?
Bring your current resume to this session. You will learn about the different factors employers look for in professional resumes and pick up some expert tips to get you resume-ready for the next move upward or onward! Recruiters can also benefit from learning what other companies looking for in resumes.
Audience: All

The Career Center of the Here!
Katy Montgomery, Global Director, Career Development Centre | INSEAD; Salil Pande, Founder & CEO VMock | Kiran Pande, Co-Founder & Head of Products, VMock | Maeve Richard, Assistant Dean & Director, Stanford Graduate School of Management
Millennials want instant, personalized and actionable feedback, and even better if gamification is part of the process in this ever changing world of gig-economy. Time has come for career services professionals to adopt and adapt offerings leveraging AI and predictive analytics. And, more importantly for those professionals to understand how digital natives (business students) are using data pulls, in-feeds, social media, and influencer videos in their job searches. Join this session to learn how career services professionals can be most up-to-date on how technology is influencing career management. Opportunity awaits for career services to go deep in creating student value in this time of systemic and dynamic change.
Audience: All

Train-the-Trainer: Teach ANY Student How to Network Like a Rockstar (incl. introverts & international students)

Zoe Sullivan, Associate Director, Career Development Office, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University | Jaymin Patel, Author, Speaker, Coach,
Networking can be a difficult skill to teach to MBA students - some students jump right in while others find it to be "fake" and "boring" and are not inspired to take action. With more direct-from-undergrad and International students in MBA programs, teaching this skill has become even more important. Jaymin is a Speaker, Coach, and top-selling Author of The MBA Guide to Networking Like A Rockstar. He has presented his "Rockstar Approach" over 300 times globally. After 6 years of presenting, he now is sharing a "Train the Trainer" module that will teach career center coaches step-by-step how to leverage his popular and time-tested frameworks to teach networking to ANY student so they feel confident, empowered, and excited to build relationships to find their dream job in a global market. He'll address head-on how to work with challenging student populations, how to communicate realistic career goals, and virtual delivery.
Audience: Coaching, International, Advanced Practitioner, New Practitioner, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals

Using Podcasts in Career Management for Graduate Business Students
Megan Nichols, Associate Director, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management | Emily Anderson, Director, Career Management Center, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management | Nate Luce, Director, Business News and Communication, Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School
The Owen Graduate School has found success using podcasts as a platform to reach current students in early career advising, career track exploration, job search preparation and more. The "This is Vanderbilt Business" podcast is the most listened to podcast across the Vanderbilt campus. The podcast initiative began as a way to communicate career outreach even earlier as employers continue to accelerate recruiting. You will learn how to launch a podcast, topics for career-focused episodes, how to develop the platform for use across graduate business program departments (cross-collaboration) and how this tool can even be used for yield in reaching the type of candidate employers are seeking.
Audience: Coaching, International, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals
Wednesday  3:45 - 5:00 pm

Becoming a Global Success: Using Cultural Intelligence to Overcome Barriers in Career Advancement

Dave Solloway, Assistant Director of Daytime MBA Career Services, Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business 
Have you ever felt like an international student did not understand your message? Many people have experienced challenges communicating with people from other cultures. Yet, most do not know how culture affects communication and what can be done to overcome communication challenges. With a focus on East Asian and American cultures, this session will decode cultural norms and values using the following scales from “The Culture Map” by Erin Meyer:
• Communicating: explicit vs. implicit
• Evaluating: direct negative feedback vs. indirect negative feedback
• Persuading: deductive vs. inductive
• Leading: egalitarian vs. hierarchical
• Deciding: consensual vs. top down
• Trusting: task vs. relationship
• Disagreeing: confrontational vs. avoid confrontation
• Scheduling: structured vs. flexible

Using the eight scales from “The Culture Map”, attendees will analyze how cultural differences impact career success. With this actionable information, attendees will develop culturally intelligent methods to prepare students for international career success.
Audience: Employers, Coaching, International, Advanced Practitioner, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals, Directors

Candidate Engagement from Start to Finish

Jean Gekler, Senior Associate Director, MBA Career Management, Foster School of Business, University of Washington | Stacy Whitman, Commercial Marketing MBA Intern Program Manager, Dell  | MBA Marketing Development Program (MMDP) Manager, Dell
Your recruiting target numbers are set. Campus teams are built. Recruiting dates are booked for the season. Now what?
In order to attract and stay connected to the top talent, employers need to consider how they are engaging with candidates throughout each stage of the recruiting process and beyond. Gain insights from both the employer and career center professional’s perspectives on the best approach to maneuvering through this crucial time.

# Recruiting and hiring
# Onboarding
# Development and retention
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Directors

Discovering Your Coaching Gifts: The Power of the Questions

Meg Flournoy, Sector Director, Duke University
During this session, we will discover the power of the QUESTION. Through coaching scenarios and role plays, we’ll practice strategies to cultivate our skill of asking questions, and discover how the answers lie within our students! So often our students come to us to get the answer for anything and everything. Learn about ways to stay fresh and energized as a coach, through practice and experiential activities. This workshop will be highly interactive. If you’ve ever wondered how to best connect with this student without "telling" them what to do, then this session is for you! We will be drawing on strategies from Appreciative Coaching and Humble Inquiry.
Audience: Coaching, International, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals
Immigration Upgrades: Navigating Work Options for International Students
Helen Konrad, Director, McCandlish Holton PC
Immigration is in the news every day, it seems. This session will explore the ways in which employers may still hire the best and brightest talent available, even if that person is an international student.  We will also discuss how career coaches can help guide international students on how they can remain in the US to work after graduation, but do so in a way that focuses on the factors that employers care about:  (1) How much will it cost? (2) How long will it take?; and (3) What are my obligations to the international student?  We will cover F-1 Optional Practical Training, STEM extensions, H-1B and even visa categories that allow for starting your own business.
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Coaching, Specialty Masters, Directors

Leadership Development Programs
Moderator:  Eric Johnson, Executive Director, Graduate Career Services at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Panelists:  Anna Kupik – Senior University Recruiter, Graduate Programs – Liberty Mutual Insurance | Althea Foxx, University Relations – Campus Manager, Eaton Corporation | Kathy Martin, MBA Executive Recruiting and Program Management, T-Mobile

Interested in best practices on how to run an effective Leadership Development Program?  Considering creating one at your company?  Are you getting the candidates you want for your LDP?  Join us as we talk about the pros and cons of LDPs, how to establish one, and how to effectively promote your LDP to potential candidates.  This will be an interactive discussion and sharing of best practices, as well as what works/doesn’t work.
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners

Lifelong Learning for the Digital Generation: Exploring Pathways Beyond Graduate Business Degrees
Jeanine Romano, PhD,  Director, Business Education Data, Benchmarking, and Analysis, AACSB
Graduate business degrees are often just one step in individuals’ lifelong learning pathways, and increasingly they and their employers are choosing from a broadening portfolio of options for their educational and talent development needs. Gain insights from recent surveys of the “digital generation” demographic about their motivations and preferences for ongoing business education, as well as of companies’ talent leaders about their organization’s needs & strategies. With other attendees, explore implications for the way you think about degree and non-degree alternatives for serving the needs of today’s learners.
Audience: All

Part-time MBA Standards: Getting ready for implementation
Beth Ursin, Assistant Dean and Director of Career Management, Willamette University MBA | Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
Version I of the Standards for Reporting Part-time  (excluding Executive) MBA Employment Profile was released in June, 2017 with an implementation date for the graduating class of 2019 (students graduating between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019). This session will provide an overview of the Standards, frequently asked questions, and tips for an initial roll out. Attendees will learn more about the purpose of the Standards and the differences between these and the full-time MBA standards. Members of the Part-time MBA Standards Subcommittee will provide best practices for designing student surveys and collecting data that is Standards-compliant.
Audience: Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Operations, Working Professionals, Directors

Straight Jobs, Gay Lives: Sexual Orientation and Career Decision-Making
Mark Brostoff, Assistant Dean and Director, Graduate Career Services, USC Marshall
This session will equip career centers with actionable tools to use to coach this student population with the unique challenges associated with selecting a company that is the right fit. Employers in attendance will learn what’s important to this diverse student group, understand the thought process used to select a company of choice, and learn about tools students use such as the HRC Corporate Equity Index.
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Coaching, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals

Thursday 9:15 - 10:30 am

Linkedin Decoded: How Berkeley Haas Supported Off-Campus Searchers with Help from LinkedIn Insiders
Kay Dawson, Director of Operations, UC Berkeley Haas | Omar Garriott, Co-Founder, LinkedIn Guys | Jeremy Schifeling, Co-Founder, LinkedIn Guys
70% of Haas students now find employment off-campus, which led the MBA Career Management Group to seek new ways to empower them. By partnering with the former marketing leads from LinkedIn's Higher Education team (the group behind the Alumni Tool), Haas co-created the world's first online LinkedIn course developed by company insiders (‘LinkedIn Guys’). In this interactive train-the-trainer session, practitioners will learn the most critical job search functionality on the latest version of LinkedIn—from advanced Boolean searches to finding the perfect alum to networking tools that can land referrals at any company of any size. We will also provide tips and tricks on updating your own profile, so please bring a laptop or smart device to fully participate in the session!
Audience: Coaching, International, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals

Optimize Your Behavioral Interviewing - Be a Better Interviewer Train the Trainer
Ann Blasick, Corporate Relations Manager, MS Analytics, Georgia Institute of Technology | David Ohrvall, MBACASE
Have you ever questioned your effectiveness as an interviewer? Refresh your behavioral interview techniques with this very active, interviewer train the trainer. Whether you’re recruiting new hires or prepping students, world-class trainer David Ohrvall and experienced career coach Ann Blasick will upgrade your abilities quickly. You’ll learn to effectively test candidates using three key principles: Answer First communication, value addition and adaptability. Through large group and partner exercises, you will practice asking effective questions, observing key traits and testing with scenarios. Wel- structured exercises will ensure that you have fun practicing and learn quickly. You’ll be ready to apply your new skills immediately. To extend the learning you’ll have take-home questions, exercises and reminders. This workshop will elevate your interviewing to the next level!
Audience: Employers, Coaching, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals

Recruiting in the Digital Age - A Guide to Transforming Your Talent Acquisition Practices
Karen Fox, Head of University and Recruiting Partnerships, Vanguard | Jennifer Dunn, Employment Marketing Specialist, Vanguard
Winning candidates is top of mind for all recruiters. As candidates start to behave more like consumers, it is imperative that recruiters start thinking and functioning more like brand marketers and service delivery experts. This workshop will prepare recruiters to "win the consumer" by using innovative approaches to attract not just top talent, but the right talent for their organizations. Concepts such as digital marketing, mobile technology, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, etc. will be explored. In addition, how to understand and discover an organization’s EVP (employee value proposition) will be introduced as an underlying necessity to successfully execute on these transformative practices. In all, this workshop will take participants through the evolution of recruiting practices over the last twenty years and will set the stage for the transformation that is underway in the talent acquisition space.
Audience: Employers

Specialty Masters Standards: Getting ready for implementation
Wendy Clay, Executive Director, Career Management, Simon Business School, University of Rochester | Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
Version I of the Standards for Reporting Specialty Masters Employment Data was released in June, 2017 with an implementation date for the graduating class of 2019 (students graduating between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019). This session will provide an overview of the Standards, frequently asked questions, and tips for an initial roll out. Attendees will learn more about the purpose of the Standards and the differences between these and the full-time MBA standards. Members of the Specialty Masters Standards Subcommittee will provide best practices for designing student surveys and collecting data that is Standards-compliant.
Audience: Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Operations, Specialty Masters, Directors

Supporting Students With Data in Their Job Search
Jill Kaufman, Manager, Market Intelligence, Harvard Business School | Megan Gallagher, Associate Director of Career Services, University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business | Stuart Jagot, Director of Career Development, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford |  Melanie Linehan, Director of Marketing, 12Twenty
Per "The Economist", data has become the world's most valuable resource - something that is driving decisions in boardrooms of the most successful companies. Whether it’s data related to market trends, consumer buying habits, or even the most effective time to launch product lines, data itself has become an economy. So how can you get the most out of your data? Our team of panelists will discuss how they empower their students to set and achieve realistic career goals with their innovative methods of collecting and utilizing outcome data.  You work hard to collect this data all year - now learn how to put this data to work for you.
Audience: Coaching, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals, Operations

US Employment for Internationals:  How to Increase the Odds of Achieving US Jobs and Visas

Katharine Boshkoff, Global Vice President, Hult International Business School
Every year, the Careers team at Hult International Business School supports 2000 graduating students to achieve jobs in 60 international markets.  With a student population that is 90% international, the school’s 2017 MBA employment rate was 91%, up from 81% just 3 years ago.  These outcomes were the result of an intentional strategy and playbook called the Hult ROADmap, a job search formula created to help students hunt and win jobs using CPT, OPT, H1B, and other visas types.  This session covers ROADmap components including:  job search tools and tactics, tips on identifying companies likely to sponsor and “Plan B” options for those who don’t win a visa in the H lottery.
Audience: Employer Relations, Coaching, International, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Directors

Using Gamification to Increase Student Engagement and Improve Recruiting for Employers
Jacques Domenge, Assistant Director Coaching and Education, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
In the face of the steady decline in student participation in programming outside of education requirements, we have designed and operationalized a gamification mechanism that has all but solved this problem. In the first few months of the initiative, students in the test cohort had between 2 to 14 times higher level of engagement than other students. We subsequently leveraged the gamification system to motivate our top performers to cultivate and demonstrate mastery of skills such as communication, interviewing, networking, and presentation, all in service of helping employers identify top talent more efficiently. This can serve as an additional metric for employers by presenting a complete picture of each candidate. In this session, we will share how we did it, how you can implement it, and how we can all partner with employers to create a more efficient recruiting process for students, employers, and career services staff.
Audience: Employer Relations, Coaching, International, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals, Directors

Where are They Now? Launching a Career Progression Survey
Rachel Frint, Director, New York University School of Professional Studies | Jeannie Liakaris, Assistant Dean, New York University School of Professional Studies
Learn how a school with significant enrollment of international students and working professionals in 15 professional master’s degrees developed a career progression survey to measure career outcomes three years post-graduation. NYU Wasserman recognized a need to understand how their professional master’s degrees support career advancement over time. Emphasis was placed on global career mobility post-OPT and career advancement post-graduation. 
Find out how this small career services team designed the survey, collected data, created buy-in from stakeholders, and utilized results. This session is for career services professionals who want to better understand how their work influences students' long-term career success.  It will also help employer relations professionals to better communicate trends in MBA post-graduation career progression to employers wishing to gain insights into how to retain talent.
Audience: Employer Relations, Coaching, International, New Practitioners, Operations, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals

Thursday 1:45 - 3:00 pm

A Holistic Approach to Coaching and Recruiting International Students

Kurt Piemonte, Corporate Relations Director, Harvard Business School | Bilal Ojjeh, CEO,
Most international students in U.S. business schools plan to begin their careers in the United States, but they face roadblocks that domestic students do not. Securing work authorization is the most obvious, but perhaps equally important is bridging the cultural differences that would allow them to effectively job search and acclimate to the professional work setting in a new cultural environment. This session will present a proven scientific approach to quantify country cultures and present a  practical tool to help students, coaches and employers understand and address the cultural differences and potential pitfalls. It will address the cultural challenges international students may face in the United States and offer practical guidance for coaches to effectively coach across cultures, and for companies to discern the cultural dimensions in order to identify the right fit candidates. We also will discuss resources available to offer tactical guidance to help international students with their U.S. job searches.
Audience: Employers, Employer Relations, Coaching, International, Specialty Masters

Building Communities of Inclusion: How to Support, Coach and Recruit Diverse Students
Moderators Kay Dawson, Director Operations, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business | Jaymin Patel, Author, Speaker, Coach,
Speakers: Jino Ahn, CEO & Founder, Asian MBA | Elsie Florida, Prospanica | Ebony Gurndy, Board of Directors, National Association of Women MBAs |  Matt Cotty, Director of Development, Reaching Out MBA

Research shows us that increasing the percentage of diverse and URM talent in masters’ programs and companies has huge benefits for creativity, innovation and ultimately revenue. How can career services practitioners best position diverse candidates to ensure they are selecting a company that values their unique contributions? How can recruiters ensure their campus outreach programs are positioned to attract the candidates that will contribute to their workforce in a meaningful way? Join us for a lively discussion and practical tips on coaching and recruiting to increase diversity in our organizations.  You will leave armed with data and best practices on how to structure on-campus coaching for diverse students, and how to attract and retain diverse leadership talent.
Audience: Employers, Coaching, Working Professionals, Specialty Masters, Advanced Practitioners, New Practitioners

Case Competitions: How Schools Can Coach To Win & Companies Can Sponsor to Source Talent
Jason Rife, Director of Graduate Business Career Services, University of Florida | Todd Hales, Senior Manager of Operations, Ryder | Marc Cosentino, CEO,
Your students have been accepted into a case competition sponsored by a major company that doesn’t recruit at your school. It’s a tremendous opportunity for the students to show they can compete against big-name schools. Can you coach them to impress the company judges and win? Countless students have told us that competitions have been the most transformational elements of their business school experience. We’ve also seen otherwise capable students crash and burn because they were unprepared. With the right coaching, you can dramatically increase students’ performance. We'll teach you how we developed programming that enabled our teams to consistently win competitions by walking through our training plan and philosophy. By the end of the session, you'll understand the key components of a winning presentation and our training secrets. We’ll also lay out how companies can partner with schools to sponsor competitions as a pipeline for recruiting talent.
Audience: All

FT MBA Standards: for advanced users
Kathi To, Director of Operations, Corporate Relations, Career Services and Leadership Development, NYU Stern | Derek Walker, Standards Consultant, MBA CSEA
This session takes a deep dive into version VI of the Standards for Reporting Full-time MBA Employment Statistics, which is implemented for the graduating class of 2018 (students graduating between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018). We will provide a high level overview, discuss frequently asked questions from members, and provide tips for roll out of the newest version. We will also answer questions about the Standards Compliance Review (formerly titled AUP) program, including the benefits of being eligible for a review and an in-depth look at what the review entails. This session is for practitioners who have been using the Standards for multiple years.
Audience: Advanced Practitioners, Operations, Directors

Harnessing Education Technology for Careers Delivery and Impact
Lisa Umenyiora, Director, Careers Service, Imperial College Business School
How can Careers Services ensure new students engage early to increase career success? Imperial College Business School has tapped into advancements in educational technology to provide students with pre-arrival career support. The online pre-session career programming was developed by harnessing the School’s online learning technology. A 4-step student on-boarding process was introduced and a compulsory online careers foundation module was created for students to complete before arriving on-campus. Learn about the approach taken and impact seen. Identify the benefits of introducing a careers on-boarding process and what that might look like at your school.
Audience: Coaching, International, New Practitioner, Specialty Masters, Directors

Increasing Students Career Development Engagement through the Community Model
Lily Boyer, Assistant Director Coaching & Education, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Do you find it challenging to engage students from your specialty masters programs? Have you put much time and efforts into creating programs but struggled with attendance? Do you wish your international students would start networking and building soft skills early instead of right before graduation? In this interactive session, we will share the case study of Johns Hopkins Carey Business School’s Community Model. Partnerships with specific stakeholders, including the academic program, admissions, advising and career development teams, have opened up new opportunities to engage students. Students’ participation rate has increased and we’ve seen earlier engagement especially from our one-year specialty masters international students. During the session, participants will go through an exercise to map out stakeholders and conduct a SWOT analysis to identify opportunities to increase students' career management engagement.
Audience: Coaching, International, Operations, Specialty Masters, Working Professionals, Directors

Leveraging CliftonStrengths to Innovate Your Career Management Program
Gina Jenkins, Associate Director, Career & Leadership Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gina Jenkins, Gallup-Certified Strength Coach, will share with you how to institutionalize CliftonStrengths to engage students in their career discovery processes, make strategic career decisions, as well as build high-performing teams. Learn how the Wisconsin School of Business students and staff are benefiting from actively uncovering their natural talents and strengths and leveraging them for academic success, career management and team activities.
Audience: Coaching, Operations

Ready or Not - Gen Z is Here!
Jamie Belinne, Assistant Dean, C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Gen Z is currently graduating college, and their workforce behavior is extremely different from that of the Millennials.  Jamie Belinne has been studying, placing and supervising young employees for more than two decades.  Her book "The Care and Feeding of Your Young Employee" summarizes her research, cases and tips for successfully engaging and developing today’s young employee.  In this presentation, participants receive an entertaining overview not only of typical behaviors for the different generations but also the reasons each generation is distinct.  In addition, specific tips and approaches are given to maximize productivity in a multigenerational workplace, with particular emphasis on working with Millennials and Gen Z, including how they differ.
Audience: All

Thursday, June 21

11 am - 12 pm

Plenary Session
Dean's Panel

Moderator: Jamie Belinne, Assistant Dean - C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Panelists: Maryam Alavi, Dean and Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. Chair, Professor of Information Technology Management - Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology | Andrew Ainslie, Dean - Simon Business School, University of Rochester | John Kraft, Dean - Warrington College of Business, University of Florida | John Quelch, Dean - University of Miami Business School

New to the Global Conference this year is the Deans Panel, during which we will hear from distinguished deans who are leading business schools across the country. Through moderated Q&A, they will share insights on a variety of relevant topics, including current trends and future of graduate business education, curriculum innovations, impact of technology in the classroom as well as in preparation of students entering the workforce, and issues of diversity across our various stakeholders. We will also explore how career services are positioned at their respective institutions and discuss how employers can better engage and influence how graduate business school students are trained to be effective leaders in today’s complex business environment.

Friday, June 22

9:30 am - 11:00 am

Let the Music Play 
It’s time for a Sound Check. Throughout the week, we will be crowdsourcing conversation topics. What were the hot trending discussions? Which sessions left you wishing you had more time to talk? Share your ideas! Post your favorite topics on the Sounding Board, or look for the Quick Polls that will periodically prompt you to comment through the conference app.

And the Beat Goes On...
Close out the conference with a brief brainstorm. What new moves will you choreograph into your plan? What will be your most impactful key change? What do you want from next year’s conference?