Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs
Cecilia Frietsch, Stockholm School of Economics
Ana Herranz, IE Business School
Jelda Veninga, TIAS School for Business & Society
Local Arrangements Committee
Marta Melo, Lisbon MBA (Committee Chair)
Marcel Kalis, ESMT Berlin
Marketing Committee
Rima Gilbert, NEOMA Business School (Committee Chair)
Bethan Drummond, Cambridge Judge Business School
Ewan Henry, Nottingham University Business School
Sue Hochman, Rice Jones School of Business
Programs Committee
Sarah Juillet, Cass Business School (Committee Chair)
Irene Aitkenhead, Strathclyde Business School
Michele Asbury, LBS
Neil Courtis, Sensible Media
Christine Menges, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Laurent Moser, ICRC
Leslie Plaisted, Chicago Booth
Anne Riepe, Vlerick Business School
Sponsors & Exhibitors Committee
Lorena Martinez, IE (Committee Chair)
Additional Committee Members
Catherine Chassanite, Audencia Business School (Board Liaison)
Megan Hendricks, Executive Director, MBA CSEA
Lisa Keeler, Administrative Assistant, MBA CSEA
Stacey Phillips, Bookkeeper, MBA CSEA