Employer Outreach Toolkit

Why Employer Outreach is Important

Employer members are an integral part of CSEA. Their involvement in the organization and participation in our programs and events helps ensure the conversations are robust and the takeaways are meaningful. Relationships developed between employers and schools at CSEA events have lasting impact on ensuring candidate fit. Having employers as a part of the conversation creates meaningful dialogue and more enriching collaborative opportunities for all members. We appreciate your help spreading the word about the opportunities for employers who join CSEA!

Outreach Techniques

Employer members have indicated that they like to hear about opportunities such as CSEA from their partner schools. It shows them that the schools are invested in their recruiting success and that they are "in the know" about tools and resources available to help employers succeed. CSEA also engages in additional outreach such as digital advertisements, vendor partners, contact lists, and social media promotions. But, the most effective way to let employers know about the organization has proven to be warm contacts from school members. 

Target Market

The target market for employer membership is all companies that recruit MBA or Business Masters programs at our member schools. The direct benefit to companies may differ depending on their size, resources and recruiting needs, but all companies that hire MBA/masters students would benefit from being involved in CSEA.

Spring 2024 Employer Outreach Tools

  • Email template that can be copied/pasted and sent to employer contacts. Please note the items that need to be customized, and feel free to customize further if desired. Depending on the timing of when this is sent, some events may need to be removed.
  • Brief text that can be used for newsletters or added to employer-focused web sites. 
  • Social media posts and images for individual events.
  • Business case for employer membership (written by an employer member)