EMEA Conference: Executive Assistant

The Executive Assistant reports to the Executive Director and assists the conference committee in the following ways:


  • Manage conference online registration process. Set up initial registration form based on the previous year's form and any edits requested by the ED. Make changes as needed. Answer questions from conference attendees about registration. Follow up with sponsors and exhibitors to make sure they registered all of their attendees.Audit conference registration list on a regular basis to ensure participants are registered correctly, paying special attention to making sure exhibitors are registered as such, no students are registered, all breakout session speakers are registered, etc. Upload members into system as they join/renew. 
  • Reach out to those who have canceled registration to explain the cancelation policy. (see Conference Policies for specific policies). Send requests for cancelations to Executive Director for review and approval. 
  • Secure recognition ribbons for conference attendees, including: Sponsors, New Members, Conference Committee, Board, CSEA Volunteer (for all committee members, not just the conference committee), Conference co-chair, Conference Committee Chair, Exhibitor, Past President.


  • Order conference bags and name badge holders for attendees (bags include CSEA logo and sponsor logos as noted in the prospectus). Send bag options to the ED for the marketing committee to select. 
  • Create electronic files for conference signage, using the master list create by the Executive Director. 
  • Review the printed program during draft stage. Pay attention to typos, grammatical errors, and discrepancies between what is in the Schedule in Smartsheet and what is in the program.


  • Once breakout session and other speakers and topics are selected by the Programs Committee, notify the breakout session speakers about the decisions using the templates provided. 
  • Enter A/V requests into timeline in Smartsheet. A/V requests should include flip charts, markers, remote clickers, etc. Create a master list of the total number of flip charts and markers needed per room, per day. 
  • Collect presentation materials from speakers and upload them into the mobile app before the conference and the Document Library after the conference.
  • Provide breakout session speakers with a summary of the feedback provided for their individual session after the event.

Sponsors & Exhibitors

  • Send S&E contract and unique registration link to companies after they express interest in being a sponsor or exhibitor.
  • Follow up with registered sponsors and exhibitors to ensure all items and information has been submitted, including logos, advertisements, audio/visual needs, email content for distribution (if included/purchased), etc. If needed, remind them to register additional attendees included in the package. Make sure their registration includes the correct name, email and phone number for the people who will be attending (rather than a place holder). This ensures that the committee can send the S&E Guide to the people who will be there and need the information,.
  • Distribute S&E Guide to sponsors and exhibitors a few weeks before the conference begins.
  • Add Sponsor and Exhibitor logos to Conference Website as the sponsors and exhibitors register.
  • Assist Executive Director with sponsor thank you notes.
  • Maintain a list of items that will be shipped to the hotel to be stuffed in the registration bags, and track in Smartsheet. Work with Exhibitors/Sponsors Subcommittee on logistics of information and items provided by sponsors or exhibitors
  • Send Sponsor & Exhibitor preview email to attendees.
  • Do callouts for sponsors and exhibitors on social media as outlined in the Sponsor & Exhibitor Menu