Employment Data System

CSEA 's Employment Data System uses a custom-designed survey to allow schools to enter their aggregate employment data for full-time MBA, part-time and specialty masters programs. By providing data in this survey, schools will have the ability to produce a Standards-compliant report (with validation checkpoints to help ensure accuracy), as well as benchmark data from other schools. CSEA also creates an aggregate report that provides comprehensive industry-wide data that can be used for internal and external benchmarking. We encourage all member schools to enter data in order to contribute to the validity and completeness of the aggregate report, as well as utilize the benchmarking tools. Data entered also helps our Standards Committee when revisions are made to the Standards.
Participation in the Employment Data System is also required to be a part of the Standards Compliance Review process, which provides schools with an opportunity to make an external acknowledgment that their data is Standards-compliant.
Typical Data Entry Timeframes
- Full-time MBA program data*: December - January
- Part-time MBA program data: February - March
- Specialty Masters program data: March - April
Steps for Data Entry
Schools are asked to identify a primary contact for data entry for each program time (full-time MBA, part-time MBA and specialty masters). Member schools can click here to designate a primary contact if they haven't done so already. When each survey is open for data entry, the primary contact will receive an email with a link to enter your data. All school members will receive a notification as well. Once your data is entered, you will receive additional instructions about how to access your school reports/dashboards.
Contact our Data Analyst for questions about the survey.
Contact our Standards Consultant for questions about the Standards.
*The Full-time MBA program survey open window is driven by some of the external recognition provided for schools who elect to be eligible for a Standards Compliance Review. If your schools is not able to upload their data during that window, and you would still like to be eligible for a review, or to request a deadline extension, please contact us.