Thoughts from our Early Leaders

During our 20th anniversary in 2014, we interviewed some of our early leaders to find out what it was like when MBA CSEA was founded, and to get their thoughts on the future of the association. 
  • Jamie Belinne, University of Houston, founder
  • Karen Dowd, University of Rochester, early member and attendee at first meeting
  • Ken Keeley, formerly with Carnegie Mellon University, incorporator
  • Tom Kozicki, University of California, Irvine, incorporator and attendee at first meeting
  • Dottie Mattingly, formerly with American Airlines, first employer member
  • Paul Poissant, Penn State University, early member
  • Barry Shiflett, formerly with Florida International University, chair of first standalone conference
  • Cynthia Shore, University of Buffalo, incorporator and past President