Employment Data archived
A critical task of most graduate business career management offices is the collection and analysis of employment data. The information is used by a wide range of stakeholders, from prospective students to recruiters. When MBA CSEA was founded in 1994, MBA career services professionals met and expressed their frustration and dissatisfaction with the lack of agreed upon and accepted reporting standards capturing and presenting this data. Reports were being genereated primary as marketing devices and did not reflect an accruate representation of graduates' performance in the job market.
Standards for Reporting MBA Employment Statistics For this reason, in 1996 the Standards for Reporting MBA Employment Statistics were created. The Standards are the only peer-reviewed, globally accepted methods for capturing and reporting MBA employment data.
Why follow the Standards?
- Protect Your School - ensure MBA employment reports are consistent and comparable globally
- Inform Your Market - provide easy-to-use, accurate information to prospective students, employers and the media
- Bolster Your Reputation - externally validate that your data complies with the only global, peer-reviewed standards for collecting and analyzing MBA employment data
Employment Data Collection System MBA CSEA provides our members with an online system by which they can capture and analyze employment data and generate benchmarking reports. We are currently in a transition period as we implement a new system. Our current system will no longer be in existence as of December 31, at which time our new system will be in place. If you need to access our old system during the transition period, please contact us for a link to a temporary site.
FAQ's about the EDS Transition
Click here for the notification about the system transition, sent to MBA CSEA members on 4.29.14.
Click here for the reminder sent to MBA CSEA members 11.7.14.
Click here for the reminder sent to MBA CSEA members on 12.8.14.
Click here for the notification sent to expired members on 12.8.14.
Important: We recommend that all users of our current EDS download all of their employment reports to keep for archives in case we are not able to transfer it to our new system. If you need instructions for how to do so, please contact us.