Agreed Upon Procedures -- test page
In 2005, MBA CSEA developed a set of Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) to increase knowledge of the Standards and improve interpretation by a diverse audience. Each year, member schools have the opportunity to enter data into our Employment Data System and elect to make it eligible for an AUP. 20 schools are randomly selected from those who are eligible. A CPA firm reviews their data and data collection processes in comparison with the Standards to recommend ways the school can improve as well as share best practices. MBA CSEA publishes the list of schools who elect to be eligible for an AUP. The list of the 20 selected schools and the results from the AUP's remain confidential.
Schools who are eligible for an AUP are making an external statement that their data is collected according to the Standards and that they are open to their data collection processes being evaluated by a third party CPA firm.
Schools that make their data eligible for an AUP benefit from...
- External acknowledgement that their employment data is collected using agreed upon Standards and is accurate and comparable wtih other schools
- Tips for how to improve data collection processes
- Public recognition by MBA CSEA,as well as rankings institutions such as U.S. News & World Report
The following schools made their 2015 employment data eligible for an AUP review: