Reminder: GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey
Kick Start Your Strategic Relationships and Student Advising in 2015!
Do you know what a typical compensation package would be for an MBA by industry or region? What skills will help MBAs stand out from others in the hiring process? And, what shapes the relationship between schools and job recruiters?Last Call for Survey Participation! Recruiting and hiring managers need this information to set direction and to maintain a competitive edge in the hiring process. Career Services teams and student advisors need this information to share insights with current and prospective students about what’s happening in the hiring market, and discover tips that can assist with designing the job search or improving relationships with employers.
MBA CSEA is pleased to once again partner with GMAC and EFMD for the 14th annual Corporate Recruiters Survey.The survey provides a comprehensive look at graduate business school recruiting across the globe, with valuable insight such as hiring demand by industry and region, salaries, and mobility. The survey also explores recruiter behavior, including candidate selection criteria and recruitment practices.
Findings specific for the Asian and European marketplaces will be shared at upcoming MBA CSEA regional events in Hong Kong and Madrid.
- Help students in the job search know their worth. And, Help your employers and recruiters stay informed. Encourage students and career services teams to consult salary data for new business school hires in the Corporate Recruiters Survey, which is used by recruiters to inform compensation offers.
- Distinguish skills sets using talking points or reference materials for MBA and specialized Master’s to help students communicate their talents and help recruiters distinguish recruiting pools.
- Update Employers to distinguish your potential recruiting pool. Prepare regular updates for the employers in your school rolodex (and those you want to connect with) that can showcase news or innovations in ways that MBA and specialized Master’s students grow their career preparation.
- Benchmark employer feedback. Schools that participate in the Corporate Recruiters Survey can generate special benchmark reports to compare their employers’ experience with that of others at peer schools.