To contact any of our committee chairs, please reach out to our Executive Director.
Awards and Recognition Committee
The Awards and Recognition Committee recognizes significant contributions of members in support of the CSEA, including soliciting for nominations from the membership, determining award winners and presenting the awards at the Global Conference.
Chair: Mitch Kam
Asia-Pacific Conference Committee
The APAC Conference Committee plans and executes the organization's annual regional conference in Asia-Pacific. Conference volunteer roles include selecting and coordinating conference programming, securing sponsors and exhibitors, managing local entertainment, liaising with the conference hotel and marketing the conference to schools and employers in the Asia-Pacific Region and beyond. Individual conference subcommittees are: Programs, Local Arrangements, Sponsors & Exhibitors, and Marketing.
Certifications Committee
The Certifications Committee explores credential and certification opportunities for CSEA members in order to ensure ongoing and relevant professional development opportunities and plans our annual boot camps for new professionals.
Co-chairs: Heidi Cuthbertson & Amanda Schram
European Conference Committee
The European Conference Committee plans and executes the organization's annual regional conference in Europe. Conference volunteer roles include selecting and coordinating conference programming, securing sponsors and exhibitors, managing local entertainment, liaising with the conference hotel and marketing the conference to schools and employers in the European Region and beyond. Individual conference subcommittees are: Programs, Local Arrangements, Sponsors & Exhibitors, and Marketing.
Global Conference Committee
The Global Conference Committee plans and executes the organization's annual conference in the U.S. Conference volunteer roles include selecting and coordinating conference programming, securing sponsors and exhibitors, managing local entertainment, liaising with the conference hotel and marketing the conference to schools and employers. Individual conference subcommittees are: Programs, Local Arrangements, Sponsors & Exhibitors, Marketing, Local Employer Engagement, New Member Orientation, and Registration.
Board Liason and Sponsors & Exhibitors Chair: Julian Huenerfauth
Local Arrangements Chair: Luxi Williams
Marketing Chair: Stacey Piefer
Programs Chair: Amanda Olson
Member Onboarding Committee
The Member Onboarding Committee manages programs and services for new members of CSEA to make sure they are aware of member benefits and feel a part of the CSEA community.
Co-chairs: John Helmers & Seth Thibodeaux
Research and Trends Committee
The Research and Trends Committee conducts research on employment and recruiting trends that affect MBA/Masters hiring and recruitment.The committee also plays a role in managing research partnerships and relationships with outside entities and helps facilitate CSEA’s involvement in outside research. The committee manages the organization's bi-annual Recruiting Trends Survey, which gauges the job market from the prospective of our school members. They also assist with promoting the GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey, an annual survey that in which CSEA is a partner.
Co-chairs: Antoine Broustra & Michael Maher
Resource Group Committee
CSEA resource groups provide a place for members to come together with those who have similar challenges to develop collaborative solutions.The Resource Group Committee consists of the chairs of each resource group, and serves as a central coordination point for these efforts to ensure consistency and support the groups as needed.
Standards Committee
The Standards Committee reviews the CSEA Standards for Reporting Employment Data and makes recommendations for changes based on new situations in the employment market and membership feedback. The committee provides ongoing education about the Standards for members in the form of virtual and in-person training and documentation and answers questions from members about the Standards and rankings surveys. The committee also assists with the Agreed Upon Procedures program.
Board Liason & Co-chair: Kate Guerrero
Co-chair: Diane Singel
Virtual Programming Committee
The Virtual Programming Committee identifies the programming needs of the CSEA membership and facilitates virtual program development (outside of large scale events such as conferences and boot camps) to meet those needs, including facilitating webinars and virtual round tables.
Co-chairs: Jennifer Applebee, Jean Gekler, & Kathy Martin
Advisory Groups
APAC Advisory Group
The Asia-Pacific Advisory Group increases membership engagement in the region by providing the Board of Directors with input into strategic decisions. The group also markets CSEA within the region in an effort to ensure continued growth.
Employer Advisory Group
The Employer Advisory Group serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors to help guide strategic decisions, ensuring employers are represented in decisions.
European Advisory Group
The European Advisory Group increases membership engagement in the region by providing the Board of Directors with input into strategic decisions. The group also markets CSEA within the region in an effort to ensure continued growth.
Standards Advisory Group
CSEA recognizes the importance of consistency, stability and historical knowledge when managing the standards for reporting employment statistics. The Standards Advisory Group is a team that serves in an advisory capacity to the Standards Committee and Board of Directors, providing an ongoing historical perspective to assist with critical decisions.
Other opportunities to serve
Diversity Conferences
CSEA volunteers attend diversity conferences such as NAWMBA and Prospanica each year to promote the organization to employers. Contact us if you want to help with this initiative.
Online Community
Our online community provides opportunities for networking and connection outside of our events. Volunteers are needed to help manage communities and promote this member benefit.
Regional Forums
CSEA hosts a number of Regional Forums each year to provide additional programming and networking to members. Volunteer teams for the meet-ups are based on the geographic location of the event.