
Full-time MBA Employment Data Analysis

Analysis of 2019 and 2020 data from our Full-time MBA Employment Data System.
MBA CSEA captures employment data from member schools through an online Employment Data System that allows for school-to-school benchmarking as well as aggregate data reporting. All data collected is captured according to the Standards for Reporting Full-Time MBA Employment Statistics© (Standards), providing consistent and comparable data.

114 MBA CSEA member business schools submitted employment data for their 2019 Full-Time MBA program graduating class, and 117 member schools did so for their 2020 graduating class. These graduating classes are defined in the Standards as:
  • 2019: Full-time MBA graduates during the 12-months ending June 30, 2019
  • 2020: Full-time MBA graduates during the 12-months ending June 30, 2020
MBA CSEA membership consists of business schools around the globe, and the data includes schools from Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and Oceania. While the majority of schools participating in the data collection are from the US, 14% of schools reporting 2019 data and 16% of schools reporting 2020 data, were non-US institutions.

What follows is a summary of key employment data areas of interest to business school stakeholders, highlighting some differences between the 2019 and 2020 data sets.

In reviewing this data, keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic began mid-way through the 2020 academic year (graduating class of 2020) and had some impact on the recruitment and hiring of Full-Time MBA students. As business schools reacted to the pandemic in what was the middle of the 2020 spring term for most MBA programs, recruiting events, career fairs, and campus interviewing were cancelled, and some employers cut back or eliminated recruitment altogether. Nearly all MBA programs were affected in some way.

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