2021 Conference Updates
2021 Conference Updates: Asia-Pacific and Europe
In looking forward to 2021, our goal is to continue to provide the high quality learning and connections our members value. in the safest way possible. With that in mind, and based on feedback from our members in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, we have decided to host virtual conferences on the following dates:
• Asia-Pacific | March 15 - 19, 2021
• Europe | April 26 - 30, 2021
The events will be spread out throughout the week, with specific dates and times TBA. In the meantime, please save the dates!
A key component to the success of these events is our volunteers. Please contact us if you would like to be a part of the planning team. Even if you can only dedicate an hour each week, we could use your help!
2021 Conference Update: Global
Our 2021 Global Conference is currently scheduled for June 22 - 26 in Portland, OR. MBA CSEA members received a survey on November 4th to request feedback on the format for the event. If you didn't receive the survey, please contact us.
We are uncertain what 2021 will bring for our members and our association, but what is certain is that we will continue to be #StrongerTogether. Thank you for your continued membership and engagement! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional feedback, concerns, or ideas for how we can better serve you.