
A letter from our President

MBA CSEA President John Helmers shares his thoughts on the start of the fall semester and how you can get involved.


The fall semester is under way on my campus like it is for many of you, and while some things are drastically different this year many others are the same. Campus is teeming with energy, students are enthusiastic and engaged, and possibilities are limitless. We all know that these moments are ephemeral, but for now it's electric.

I appreciate the cyclicality of academia and recruiting because each year is a chance to course correct, innovate, and support student success in different ways for different seasons. In this very strange season I appreciate how our organization supports one another in our support of students. The willingness to share ideas and best practices is unrivaled in any organization I've seen, and today that's more important than ever. We are developing virtual programming to support our membership through the coming year, and we will continue to monitor world affairs and seek input from you as we plan future programming.

I also hope that you will respond to the call for volunteers that recently went out.  There are exciting new ways to get involved, and as an almost entirely volunteer run organization I hope that you will.  After all, we are indeed stronger together. 



