
Statement from MBA CSEA President and Executive Director

Racial injustice is impacting all levels of our society. We acknowledge the pain, hurt and anger being felt and expressed by our black colleagues, members, friends, and students right now. Recent events in America have brought to light systemic, persistent wrongs that need to be made right, and to do so will require significant work to bring about necessary change. The answers are complex and multi-faceted.

As a global professional association, we value and embrace diversity in every facet of our membership and within our members' institutions. Diversity and inclusion are pillars on which our organization stands in order to ensure our current and future success.
As leaders within institutions of higher education and corporations, MBA CSEA members have a responsibility to influence the next generation of leaders and the systems that we lead and engage. In our roles as career center professionals and recruiters, we are in a unique position to advocate for students of color, promote diversity in the workplace, and initiate dialogue about the importance of doing so. We can work closely with partners to share our values of diversity, equity and inclusion. Career centers can educate students on how to identify companies that value diversity, and recruiters can ensure their company is intentionally focused on fair and equitable hiring practices.

As an association, we are a community of conveners and problem solvers. To continue the dialogue that has already been started among many groups and individuals and focus on a solution, MBA CSEA is hosting a webinar and opportunity to come together to connect on this issue. Stay tuned to your inbox for more information.
We will also continue to address the topic through breakout sessions during our Virtual Conference at the end of this month. We hope you will join us for these opportunities to be a part of the collaborative conversation and facilitate similar conversations within your institutions. Each of us must identify, challenge and work to change the structures and behaviors that perpetuate systemic racism within our organizations and our country.
Stronger together means everyone.

Beth Ursin, MBA CSEA President
Assistant Dean and Director of Career Management
Willamette University MBA

Megan Hendricks, Executive Director, MBA CSEA



