2020 Asia-Pacific Conference Cancellation - Feb. 11, 2020
MBA CSEA has decided to cancel our 2020 Asia-Pacific Conference, originally planned for March 3 -5 in Singapore. We made this difficult decision due to the widespread global health concerns regarding the coronavirus, as well as travel restrictions that will prohibit our members from attending.
The decision was made after conferring with members and learning about travel bans, both those implemented internally by our member institutions as well as those implemented by the Singapore government. We are deeply disappointed that we will no longer be able to move forward with the event, however the health and safety of our members is of the utmost importance.
Conference registrants received an email on February 11 letting them know how to request a refund or credit for their conference registration fee. Members also received a survey asking for their preference for dates to reschedule the event. If you didn't recieve either of these communications, please
contact us.
We continue to monitor global health information in light of our other conferences and events. We will keep our members informed as information arises.