
Not Another Conference on AI! Yes, but this One is Different!

Rima Gilbert, NEOMA Business School, 2019 European Conference Co-Chair shares her thoughts about the upcoming conference and artificial intelligence. 

So what makes the CSEA European Conference 8-10th April in Berlin special?

1) Fifteen volunteers, as well as hard-working staff, from seven countries have been laboring hard at organizing this conference for the last 5 months! We have been discussing, meeting and emailing (MANY MANY emails) across time zones and skype and WhatsApp challenges. So yes, we are proud of the result and hope you will enjoy what we have prepared for you!

2) Some (dare I say many?) of us are amongst the 75% who feel skeptical about AI (see this article). Yes, we know we are all unique human beings and that robots cannot replace us let alone think like us (right?) yet, at some deeper level, we are all concerned about the future of work (that of our students and ours). Two experts will help us understand this complex and challenging topic:  Ade McCormack, Founder of Digital Readiness Institute (no one can present the shift from Industrial revolution to the digital age as he does) and Kriti Sharma (Kriti is the talented Artificial Intelligence expert who was named in the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for advancements in AI)

Hopefully, after the conference we will feel more at ease with the topic and leave with learnings on how to prepare students for this new world. 

3) The conference program includes workshops with enticing titles such as Story-listening, Hi-Tech to Hi-Touch, It's all in Chaos, Online Career Resources and the ever challenging and dear-to-our-hearts topic of “How to Increase Student Engagement” (yes, it is possible ;) 

4) Everyone is really friendly and open to share tips and best practice. I personally have always found the conference to be a great parenthesis from my daily work and busy life: a space to connect, learn and meet with open and intelligent people in a friendly and stimulating environment.

5) This year is very special since we are celebrating the MBA CSEA 25th anniversary, so we are hoping to have a fun birthday party! The gala venue has been described as opulent and decadent and been surrounded by numerous legends ever since it was built in the 19th century.

6) Last but not least, the conference is held in the center of Berlin near the renovated Memorial Church. Need I say more about Berlin?

If you are involved in the training or recruitment of MBA and other specialist masters students, then there is definitely something here for you. 

CSEA conference - 8 - 10 April 2019

Registration link (Registration remains open till 28th March).

See you in Berlin!

Rima Gilbert - Co-Chair European Conference Berlin 8-10 April 2019



