
The Conference is coming! The Conference is coming!

By Rebecca Cook, Executive Director, MBA ProgramDirector, Capital Markets Academy
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

It's almost time for my favorite conference of the year - the MBA CSEA Global Conference.  Can you tell I'm excited??  I go to a lot of conferences each year, some good, some not as good, but this one truly is my favorite for a variety of reasons. 

Great volunteer experience – I've been involved in conference planning for the past 7 years.  When I joined MBA CSEA, I was new to the space and didn't know anyone in the industry other than my co-workers.  I figured the conference was a place where we get a ton of members to attend and a good place to use some of my time to help out.  I've been a committee member, the chair of a few committees, the conference chair and the Board Liaison to the conference (twice) over the years and each experience has been different and rewarding.

Sharing/Industry knowledge – As I mentioned above, I was new to the role of coaching and new to the space in total as I came from a very different industry that didn't involve much (actually any) sharing among firms.  The sharing and collaboration at the conference among schools and employers came as a very pleasant surprise.  I've learned so much over the years from my colleagues at different schools and the willingness to share best practices has been so refreshing.

Networking = Friendships – So many of the people I've gotten to know at this conference over the years have become true friends.  I love going each year and seeing so many familiar faces and hanging out with those that I've gotten to know well over the years.  Plus, there are always new people to the conference and industry, just like I was, and it's wonderful to bring them into the fold.

Travel to fun places – the venues are always great as the Board takes a lot of time and effort in selecting the spots.  From the Fairmont in San Francisco last year to the Intercontinental in Miami this year to the Park Plaza in Boston next year, all locations provide a lot to do while you are there.  You can make a vacation out of it!

Registration is available so sign up now to join us for an amazing week in Miami!



