
Top 10 MBA Career Services & Recruitment Goals for 2017

What's top of mind for MBA CSEA members in the coming year? Executive Director Megan Hendricks provides insights from our event attendance, membership survey and general buzz among CSEA volunteers.


by Megan Hendricks, Executive Director, MBA CSEA

#10 Identify innovative ways to reach non-traditional job candidates (e.g. students who seek non-traditional employment and benefits).

#9 Provide new and innovative ways to improve efficiencies in the student/employer relationship, ensuring the right employment fit.

#8 Navigate the challenge of finding employment for students without permanent work authorization in their country of choice.

#7 Utilize mindfulness and other workplace wellness techniques to improve leadership and decision-making.

#6 Maximize existing resources in the wake of increased demands – e.g. seek out ways to do more with less.

#5 Determine innovative ways to manage student expectations in the job search process.

#4 Observe job market trends for specialized masters programs and make adjustments to processes, programs and resources as needed.

#3 Utilize data and analytics – both global job market trends and locally derived information – to make informed decisions.

#2 Educate and manage expectations about business school rankings among stakeholders.

#1 Seek out ways to utilize technology to maximize process efficiency in a digital age while maintaining a high touch, personal experience.



