Hotel Info & Local Details

Local Information
The event will be held at the Dell campus, located at One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682 in Building 1. This building can easily be identified as the one with the glass pyramid on top and by the signage on the street. Please park as close to the main lobby as possible. Several visitor spaces will be available on a first-come first-served basis closest to the main lobby entrance. Additional open parking spaces will be in the lot in front of the building.

Please check in with the receptionist to obtain your visitor badge for the day. You will need to provide valid photo ID. If you do park in one of the visitor spaces, you will need to sign in with your license plate number at reception.  Once you have received your badge, please take a seat in the lobby. A Dell team member will escort forum attendees from the lobby to the conference room where the event will be held.

Hotel Information

There are many hotel options in and around The Domain. Should you have a certain price point in mind, we encourage you to call them and ask for “the Dell corporate rate.” This is standard for hotels in the area, and many of them happily provide it. To make the hotel search process more seamless, we have confirmed in advance the following Dell rates will be available for our conference attendees on the evenings of Thursday, February 1st and Friday, February 2nd:
The Westin at The Domain: $178 / Night [Phone Number: (512) 832-4197 / Address: 11301 Domain Drive, Austin, TX, 78758
Residence Inn by Marriott Austin: $145 / Night [Phone Number: (512) 719-7055 / Address: 11301 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78758 USA

Please note: These rates are subject to change, so we recommend booking your room right away!