APAC Advisory Group SOPs

Updated July, 2024

The APAC Advisory Group's goal is to serve as a resource to provide advice and recommendations for the Executive Director and Board of Directors regarding strategic decisions. The board hopes to use this advice to increase membership and engagement of members in the APAC region.

The specific goals are to:

  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors and Executive Director to help guide strategic decisions related to the needs of members in each region.  
  • Help promote the association to potential members in their region, either by providing first-hand knowledge about the value of membership and/or reaching out to colleagues as appropriate. Work with the Executive Director and conference committees to develop messaging and distribution channels.  
  • Work with the Executive Director to advise the APAC Conference Committee to help ensure continuity from year to year.  
To help provide value to the group members, round table discussions might take place during meetings on topics of interest and relevancy as determined by the chair.


A member in the APAC region will be selected by the Executive Director and President to chair the Advisory Group. Advisory Group members will be invited to participate by the Executive Director and/or Advisory Group Chair based on skills sets and previous commitment to the organization. Members will have significant involvement in the organization (i.e. former conference chairs, etc.) as well as those with potential to join the board in the future. When possible, diversity of school size, sub-region, student population (MBA vs Specialty Masters programs) and ranking will be considered. Preferred participation terms will be two to three years, but can be flexible if needed.   

The Advisory Group will meet once per quarter via conference call (approximately 60 minutes), and will also be available as a resource via email as needed. The Executive Director will manage communications and meeting arrangements to streamline the time required and coordinate feedback efforts. The agenda for the meetings will be set by the Advisory Group Chair and Executive Director and will include an update from the Board. The President and Executive Director will attend Advisory Group meetings, and the Executive Director will report back to the Board of Directors and committees as appropriate. The ideal group size is seven. 

Leadership Roles

Executive Director
  • Oversees and is a member of the Advisory Group.
  • Is included in all leadership and group meetings and communications.
  • Is consulted about anything the group will be bringing to the board.
  • Manages group communications and meeting arrangements, including scheduling meetings.
  • Along with the President , selects the Advisory Group Chair.
  • Along with the Advisory Group Chair, selects group members.
  • Serves as liaison among all  CSEA committees and groups, assisting with opportunities for cross-committee and group communication and collaboration when needed.

Advisory Group Chair
  • Along with the Executive Director, selects group members.
  • Chairs group meetings.
  • Works with the Executive Director to create an agenda for group meetings, and distributes the agenda in advance of the meeting.
  • Ensures that notes are taken during the meeting and distributed to the group after the meeting concludes (note: it's recommended that the chair appoint a group member for this task).
  • If needed, follows up with group members in between meetings to help manage group commitments. For example, if the group decides to assist with employer outreach for the conference, the chair would follow up for updates on how the outreach is going.