Program Details
We regret to inform you that the 2020 MBA CSEA Asia-Pacific Conference has been cancelled. We made the difficult decision due to the widespread global health concerns regarding the coronavirus, as well as travel restrictions that will prohibit our members from attending.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause for you and/or your organization.
Conference attendees received a communication on February 10 regarding next steps for the cancellations. If you did not receive this email or have additional questions, feel free to contact us.
Keynote Speaker
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of Humans and Machines
Nicole Scoble-Williams
Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting
APAC Leader, Future of Work
With more than twenty years’ cross-industry experience in Information Technology Services, Talent Strategy and Advisory, and Mergers & Acquisitions, Nicole works with individuals, businesses and governments, helping them to reimagine their future vision and adapt to the new realities of work in today’s digital age.Join us to learn about trends from Deloitte's Future of Work Center of Excellence and what's on the minds of individuals, business leaders and government across the globe.
Plenary Sessions
Using Designing Your Life with Masters in Business Students
Matthew Temple
Senior Director, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
MBA and Masters students entering the workforce will have a variety of roles in several industries in their careers after they leave business school. Choosing a career – once a singular experience for a professional – will be something students will tackle multiple times. Design Thinking provides a framework for tackling just such "wicked problems." In this session, we will discuss a variety of ways career services professionals have used and can use the Designing Your Life (DYL) book and frameworks to improve student employment satisfaction and outcomes.
Asia-Pacific Employer Perspectives on MBAs and Business Masters Students
Sean Ferguson
Associate Dean, Asia School of Business in Collaboration with MIT Sloan
This session is a summary of a recently mixed method study of employers involved in Asia-Pacific MBA/Masters recruiting. The study assesses the knowledge, motivation, and organizational elements that inform their perspective on regional MBAs and other business masters students. The presenter will share and interpret the results of series of exploratory interviews and a cross industry survey of talent professionals and business line mangers. The presenter will make recommendations to schools about how to better position their MBA students for placement and Asia. Lastly, the presenter will share what the results of the study mean for employer’s talent acquisition processes.